I Give You My Heart Poem by Leslie Alexis

I Give You My Heart

Phantom-mized when I stare into your eyes.
The curse willing me to give you my heart.
In you, I find the calm that I sought,
In this world of masks and disguises,
Where most are unreal and living in lies;
In a hell of the dullest black and white dots,
Where love is corrupted with flesh, and hearts
Have switches that change. My God heard my cries.
I was taken slave by the persistence of love.
I fell many times; my heart heart was bruised
So often that to think of love I refused...
To believe in love? Never! ! ! To the grave
I would take my heart and all its love.
Because of bad luck, love did not ripen and was sour.

I have loved, but it was forced on me. Love in war:
Where my heart was ripped out, even as I starved,
For an 'I love you', 'A kiss'; such I did not have.
Yet, my heart was flaunted, like a TV star
Flaunts his possessions, by selfish witches.

But in you I found a love that Is true.
Your kisses on my cheeks, and the way you
Hold my hands when we walk, or hold me close
On cold nights(so tight that I can feel
Your heartbeat on me, beating inside of me)
Makes me want to throw away the rules
That I have made to love no more. With the tools
Required to transfer a heart, I gladly
Give mine to you...

I walked the path of death before you.
I was a soul with a dead heart,
But you came and restored within me a
Flame that is kept going with each kiss.
You give me passion for life with each
Touch. I love you. So very much. My
Life is found in you. I give you my heart.
Life without you is a thought that I don't
Want to think of. I love you, now, and
Forever more.

Copyright 2009 Leslie Alexis

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