I Got Sisters Poem by Louis Borgo

I Got Sisters

Rating: 4.5

(orignal date post 6/18/2010)

Miltary wonder why i turn down there request,
Listen to the delema and put down the jar,
I got sister,

Violence to women,
raise to be guilty,
battling for resisence all in my life,
on all in one differenties, just for the right to be respected! ,
I got sister,

Never was in a gang but was and close affliction with that,
it is a different between a cop and a police man we made that stand
cant help where man is born,
or who boyz are, lets remember how this was sayed
Lost of my true loves' made me believe i sin with in sin,
who would know,
I got sister,

Raise to be maturer then the average 6th grade,
so my sister took me to rate r movies to learn me up a few years,
can you tell the different in my written,
never drink or does that even matter when
put listen how I speak.
I got sister,

Wrongs meet to be rights,
never went hungry and just a place for me call home was
enough for me say,
I got sister,

A city lost in it on war and we call the iraq war,
war on terror,
so what do you call the war in your on neighborhood,
I got sister

I say to miltary it a bridge of gaps and it start in my community
the hated with in my soul makes me think of sister of brother that went through struggle.
what reminder

Dear lietatuant i apologize to say my community is all i know,
can u see me from where you are,
and if so you know why we young folks point one figuare to sky because i and others lost some true solider so where our dog tags! ! !

some would say this would be skepticism but i has to ask dont we all have rights and arent we all born equal.

note to a mother from solider to son
when will we have peace.

what is a d.a.b young solider and
that would be my first speech when and how long it took to rank as ever branch wrote.
I seen woman are moving up the ladder now from the orginal date,
can you say i wrote for nothing?
BorgoBaby! ! !
Yes Sir! ! !

As of 2015 women are advance in military along side of other professional job titles.
original date (6-18-10)
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