I Longed For Those Moments Poem by Nikhil Parekh

I Longed For Those Moments

I longed for those moments when I was wading exuberantly in the sea; with the sun dazzling a full blossom on my animatedly rubicund skin,

I longed for those moments when I was in the heart of perpetually blissful sleep; with the stars glimmering enchantingly on my closed eyelids,

I longed for those moments when I was profoundly engrossed playing with my friends in the verdant fields; entirely oblivious to the monotonous vagaries of disillusioning routine life,

I longed for those moments when I was when I was nibbling cheese ravenously perched on my mothers lap; transiting into a divinely reverie; with her sacred
palms rubbing their mesmerizing magic on my forehead,

I longed for those moments when I teased and mischievously philandered with my sister; uninhibitedly blurting out to her whatever I liked and abhorred the most; in the quota of my short life,

I longed for those moments when I was gazing at the enigmatic newness of the freshly extruding grass blades; profusely tingling the blanket of golden dewdrops; with the big toe of my feet,

I longed for those moments when I was insurmountably lost in the corridors of magnificently enchanting fantasy; the stillness of the placid evening overpowering my senses,

I longed for those moments when I sat for unrelenting hours under the blazing Sun; lazing in incomprehensible agony and fun,

I longed for those moments; when I gallivanted through the perennially dense forests; profoundly admiring the majestic spider weaving its mystical web,

I longed for those moments; when I voraciously sketched the fiercely passionate outlines of the fading Sun; absorbing its kingly beams in entirety with the whites of my eye,

I longed for those moments; when I dug uninhibitedly through rain kissed soil; splashed a slurry of ecstatic mud all around in ebullient euphoria,

I longed for those moments; when I was fooling my stringently stern father; browsing through a myriad of fairy tales; the comic surreptitiously encapsulated within my history textbook,

I longed for those moments; when I was fabulously intrigued by the crimson colored festoon of clouds; watched the streaks of silver lightening tumble in a tantalizing flurry from the sky,

I longed for those moments; when I was feeding the protuberant crested pigeons with heavenly crusts of morning bread; chasing them as they embarked on the
adventurous expedition towards the sky,

I longed for those moments; when I spent countless nights on the trot envisaging my beloved's gorgeous countenance; ardently awaiting to feel her seductive breath,

I longed for those moments; when I was caught red handed for pilfering through the labyrinth of robust apples; and the farmer gave me an amicable peck on my cheek for my mischievous attribute,

I longed for those moments; when I sang any tune that swirled turbulently in my heart; darted as the most pampered child through every nook and cranny of the
palatial house,

I longed for those moments; when I was immaculately sucking my thumb; wholesomely unaware of the diabolical bloodshed; which went on indiscriminately
on every trajectory of this vast planet,

And I insatiably longed for those moments when I was an impeccable child; rambunctiously bouncing in the arms of my mother; without the slightest blemish or
malicious trace of the world outside; completely bereft of this battlefield of lechery and incorrigible lies; which unfortunately I as an adult today was entirely engulfed with.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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