I Loved Them More Poem by Nikhil Parekh

I Loved Them More

I might have perhaps loved just my sacrosanct Mother and eternal beloved during the tenure of my entire diminutively impoverished life; by the blessings of the Omnipotent Lord,
But I loved them more than what the sweltering deserts could ever have loved; pricelessly resplendent droplets of rhapsodically mesmerizing rain.

I might have perhaps loved just my divinely mother and bountiful beloved during each unfurling moment of my parsimoniously destitute life; by the blessings of the
unassailable Lord,
But I loved them more than what lackadaisical mud could ever have loved; beautifully dazzling ray of Godly Sunshine.

I might have perhaps loved just my heavenly mother and triumphant beloved during every crimson dawn that unraveled in my penuriously short-statured life; by the blessings of the Omnipresent Lord,
But I loved them more than what dolorously beleaguered forests could ever have loved; fantastically enigmatic titillation.

I might have perhaps loved just my compassionate mother and newly-wed beloved during every hour that fabulously swept past my mercurially timid life; by
the blessings of the everlasting Lord,
But I loved them more than what the amorphously estranged sky could ever have loved; the vividly iridescent and spell binding rainbow.

I might have perhaps loved just my magnanimous mother and unflinching beloved during every shade of my inexplicably bereaved life; by the blessings of the Omniscient Lord,
But I loved them more than what the rambunctiously unruly bees could ever have loved; the timelessly redolent fragrance of the dew drop anointed and poignant rose.

I might have perhaps loved just my ubiquitous mother and seductive beloved during every wind that swept past my disastrously diminishing life; by the blessings of the unshakable Lord,
But I loved them more than what the ecstatically fluttering peacocks could ever have loved; the fathomlessly voluptuous expanse of enthrallingly silken clouds.

I might have perhaps loved just my priceless mother and inimitable beloved during every path that I tread in my stingily decrepit life; by the blessings of the unconquerable Lord,
But I loved them more than what the brutally emaciated shores could ever have loved; the ravishingly undulating swirl of jubilantly tangy waves.

I might have perhaps loved just my indomitable mother and humanitarian beloved during every breath that I exhaled in my nonchalantly oblivious life; by the blessings of the boundlessly proliferating Lord,
But I loved them more than what the remorsefully deserted mirror could ever have loved; the uninhibitedly sparkling ocean of celestial reflection.

I might have perhaps loved just my timeless mother and ingratiating beloved during every impediment that I encountered in my truculently abridged life; by the blessings of the limitlessly benign Lord,
But I loved them more than what the obnoxiously emaciated blades of sordid grass could ever have loved; the majestically shimmering cistern of tantalizing dewdrops.

And I wholeheartedly admit; that I might have perhaps loved just my blissful mother and gorgeous beloved during every beat that I throbbed in my obfuscatedly lugubrious life; by the blessings of the effulgently glowing Lord,
But I loved them more than what the devastatingly dying nostril could ever have loved; fragrantly mellifluous entrenchments of resplendently fresh breeze.

Monday, March 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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