I May Die Poem by Neela Nath Das

I May Die

Rating: 4.8

It's not strange, not queer,
not a matter to heave a sigh.
I'm very near, near,
near to death, I may die.
Tomorrow's sunlight,
I may not see,
nature's every sight,
won't be with me.
As death is nothing,
but, to cease at once,
stop of breathing,
any hour in trance,
or you may say,
a journey of life,
on a different way,
leaving earthly strife.
Nobody will remember,
except some kins,
I haven't been ever,
their words do that mean.
I'll want to touch,
my child, my loving ones,
whom I love so much.
I shall hear their moans.
The door between death,
and life, I'll knock,
and knock with that faith,
that I can unlock, the lock,
all my cry will be in vain.
I won't be able to tear,
the delicate curtain,
and no mortals will hear,
my body-less pain.
Soon, my soul will soar,
high, high, thru cloud, rain...
leaving everyday chore!

Femi Oloidi 14 November 2012

'I May Breathe Again; if I Die'. Lol Kingfemi.

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Femi Oloidi 14 November 2012

This is just so true, but ' I May Breathe Again; if I Die'. Lovely work.9points dear.kingfemi.

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Anita Sehgal 13 November 2012

so very touching and beautiful expression.. moving..

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Valsa George 12 November 2012

A very touching stream of thought which plagues everyone of us one time or the other! But it is so whimsical and we don't want to happen it to us or any body close to us! The poem however is so moving and deserves full 10

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Femi Oloidi 12 November 2012

I find it so hard to hide my true feelings, dis poem is so killing, I love the suspends, hilly blond thoughts, and pining truth; displayed in dis poem. Dis is one of my best. You are going to grow higher dear. Thanks did stole and soaked me away. Bravo! Kingfemi

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