'If I Resign Today There Will Be Chaos' Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

'If I Resign Today There Will Be Chaos'

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It was February the 3rd 2011 when
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
made his famous scare fear prediction
'If I Resign Today There Will Be Chaos'.

Mubarak claimed he was sincerely troubled?
By violence the world had seen in Liberation
Tahrir Square over preceding days he claimed
his government was innocent not responsible?

Mubarak blamed the Muslim Brotherhood
a banned political party persecuted in Egypt.
But Mubarak supporters violence launched
against anti-government protesters innocent.

Mubarak claimed he 'was very unhappy about
yesterday. [stating] I do not want to see Egyptians
fighting each other.' Mubarak had hoped to rout
humiliate publicly defeat opponent protesters.

When asked what he thought seeing the people
shouting insults about him and wanting him gone
Mubarak said, 'I don't care what people say about
me... I care about my country, I care about Egypt.'

Mubarak claimed he wanted to resign but could not
'for Fear of the Country Falling into Chaos.' Egypt
will sink into chaos if I resign there will be chaos at
least eight people had died hundreds were injured in

violent clashes between his supporters and anti-
government protesters since Wednesday that is chaos

pride comes before a fall was Mubarak the leader
really unfazed by insults being hurled at him by
protesters demanding his immediate resignation?
According to quotes he wavered when asked about

his attitude toward his main ally the US which had been
pushing for him to resign because Washington gives
Egypt about $1.5 billion in mostly military aid annually
in a statement like Gaddafi would soon make he said

'You don't understand the Egyptian culture and what
would happen if I step down now' Mubarak said he told
US President Barack Obama while reportedly he remained
guarded in Cairo in the presidential palace with his family

heavily guarded by troops tanks barbed wire in safety?
Egypt's largest protests in a generation were clearly
demanding democratic economic reforms immediately
while analysts were estimating the Mubarak family net

worth ranged from $40 billion to $70 billion a calculation
not based upon the billions Egyptian protests were costing.
Chaos might happen? Chaos was already business costing.
One man's chaos is another man's democracy celebration.

Several months on Mubarak is gone? There is no chaos.
Democracy in Egypt will prove to be an Egyptian vision.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

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