Is World Just A Balloon To Explode Soon! Poem by Ramesh T A

Is World Just A Balloon To Explode Soon!

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Industrialization goes on with increased pollution everywhere in the world;
Exploitation of natural resources sans recycling leading to scarcity of resources;
Climate change causing natural disasters is still many countries are not aware of;
For new diseases no apt medicines are created to stop spread of pandemic!

As if they are not enough, weapons of mass destruction major nations are accumulating;
Due to ego, fighting countries are not ready to go for cease-fire for peace talk and compromise;
Destruction of world by natural disasters and wasr are endlessly gong on everywhere;
If all these things go on sans stop, surely general dissolution of world by fire or flood will come!

Accidents, violence by gun culture, murders, suicides and deaths by poverty go on unheeded;
The world supposed to be a wonderful paradise once has become real hell now;
Living we die everyday in the world and when this is so, wary weapons and wars;
Are man mad to the core to go on fighting for no end rather than go for compromise for peace!

In this atmosphere of destruction by man and Nature, world is becoming hottest to explore;
Due to all crises, world has become just a big balloon in the hands of war mongers!

Is World Just A Balloon To Explode Soon!
Living we die everyday in the world and when this is so, wary weapons and wars; Are man mad to the core to go on fighting for no end rather than go for compromise for peace!
Ramesh T A 10 March 2023

In this atmosphere of destruction by man and Nature, world is becoming hottest to explore; Due to all crises, world has become just a big balloon in the hands of war mongers!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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