Joyce Mcgregor Poem by Sheena Blackhall

Joyce Mcgregor

Joyce Mcgregor had hair of flame
Celtic red, but her eyes were blue
Cool as a lochan dipped in ice
Lit where the stars come shining through

Joyce Mcgregor sat in class
In her navy knickers and navy skirt
Her knee high socks were polar white
Far too sober to play or flirt

Joyce Mcgregor, freckle faced
Kept herself pure for Mr Right
Sure to succeed in the lifelong race
Uni, marriage, a ship launched tight

Joyce Mcgregor, her groom was late
To climb the ladder, she helped him rise
Rung by rung, invested her life
He did no wrong in her blinkered eyes

Joyce McGregorsat at home
The telephone rang- a friendly voice
‘I don't know quite how to tell you dear
Your Bill's been playing away, poor choice'

Joyce Mcgregor went to his work
With her knife that cut lamb chops apart
‘How long? 'she asked, and he gave a shrug
And the knife flashed twice in his cheating heart

Joyce Mcgregor sat in thedock
Not a word she spoke in her own defence
The judge looked down and he shook his head
‘Guilty- at least of no pretence'

Joyce Mcgregorshe went to jail
Calm and cool as a snowflake's greeting
Crime passionnel…but she was Scots
The empty seat at the FP's meeting

Friday, August 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: murder
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