Judged By The Company We Keep Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Judged By The Company We Keep

Rating: 5.0

There are multiple proverbs
wise sayings implying
we are judged by the company
we keep; which implies
our friendships those we associate
with; are considered
character indicators which reflect
negatively or positively
upon credibility of our character.

A case in point an example
‘Birds of a feather flock together.’

Meaning people who are similar
with similar aims goals interests
backgrounds tend to congregate
together in friendship or common
necessity; sharing the same feather;
shared common characteristics is
common denominator glue binding
agent; sustaining interactive identity.

The mystery the spice the intrigue
is dynamics of mix sustaining such
group identities in shared interests.

Associating with esteemed company
implies basking within their radiance
popularity social advantages of light.

‘Tar with the same brush’ is to believe
wrongly that individuals groups share
the same faults unaccepted bad qualities.

Once in extreme cases of prejudice
a person or several individuals might
have been punished with the application

of a coat of tar and feathers; if the entire
body was covered coated in hot hate;
blocking all the pores of the skin; and

could not be removed in time; death resulted.

‘tarred with the same brush’ implies judgement
to punish to criticize severely and devastatingly.

The injustice humiliation of McCarthyism
an era of ‘reds under the bed’ witch hunts
is a political example of persecution bigotry

state policy denying accused right of appeal.

Kinda like political practice for Guantanamo Bay.

January 2002 interrogation sessions by Tiger Teams
military intelligence officers; earnest FBI CIA agents
interrogating prisoners of war from the Afghan war
kept in animal chain-link cages in Camp X-Ray.

Progress by the end of 2003 permanent steel cages
replaced chain-link animal cages in Camp X-Ray.

CIA deluxe accommodation in Camp Echo, a dozen
single-story concrete-block huts, divided in half, a
steel cage, a shit house, a table for interrogations,
torture of high-value military targets in their own cell.

The CIA's Camp Echo Hotel Hilton in Cuba, is 'off-
limits to nearly everyone' at Gitmo Guantanamo Bay.

CIA 'ghost detainees' originate in places like Pakistan,
West Africa, Yemen and under a presidential directive;
the CIA is encouraged to capture hold suspects without
publicly; revealing their treatment accounting for them.

CIA detention facilities were historically located
on ships at sea, at the off-limits corner of Bagram
air base in Afghanistan and Britain's Diego Garcia
island in the Indian Ocean. The CIA needs facilities
in an isolated prison hidden from sensitive prying
international politics. Gitmo secures secrecy need.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
http: //www.poemhunter.com/terence-george-craddock/

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