A Family Blessing* Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

A Family Blessing*

Rating: 4.8

May the years unfold gently,
while richly filled
with happiness, prosperity, and peace.
May you ever strive forward, with love
and friendship at your side.

Never forsaking the noble ideals,
the goals our Lord gave in Grace,
to ease the suffering;
of mortal man. For the dream
is the tie to life.

Never loose sight of the Lord’s Love.
Always walk in his ways.
Returning to the path if erring footfall
by chance causes thee to stray.
For man’s ways hold many thorns
that pierce unguarded flesh.
No comfort is found there no security.

Only great pain... torment... distress...
before the grave. Man’s works
crumble perish with coming age.
We seek through life’s journey
slowly understanding - is distilled
through the words and grace of God.

For life’s toils end
in this world of shadows -
upon the breath of a warm wind
to carry us home above the plains.

Elemchos Kratoz 15 October 2010

'-May the years unfold gently, while richly filled with happiness, prosperity' truth be told your work is great in life it is the truth that gives direction to greatness good writing may mighty AMIGHTY GOD off ALL! Bless you in Christ Jesus our Lord and SAVIUOR! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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David Beckham 07 March 2011

The poem starts, 'A DECADE ABOVE LIFE' and resonating through the ages and carrying with it great promises of a good life. At this point, if this was a bus ride, I do not want to come down. Then the poet concludes the poem in hopeful sailing to a land filled with love. Excellent, work. I can read this all day.

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Dr Antony Theodore 26 June 2010

For the dream is the tie to life. i liked these lines very much. you love the Lord and direct everyone not to forget the relationship to Him. lifes toil end in this world of shadows.. a great realization.. it is very inspiring. ur poems are clear and you do not use complicated words. i find it wonderful. thank you.

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Pranab K Chakraborty 27 June 2010

We seek through life’s journey slowly understanding - is distilled through the words And it is the precious wanting now-a-days, which is also about to be archaive thing of moral-self. Understanding.....! ! ! ! ! ! Ridiculous. Alls are very much wise than others. Every body ready to convince you with his own ideas and belief which perhaps he himself doesn't belief when crisis arises. Fantastic Gothic by words you have grafted in a poetry nearing to be a prayer. Again I repeat the word 'Understanding' a rarest word you have planted here. Thank you very much. Good poem with your natural faith in God. Regards, 10+ pranab

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Lynn Glover 29 July 2010

As you mention in your poem, the toil is taken on us each day, but not nearly the toil and burden place on God the Father, when He gave his only son for our salvation.. A very good write. Lynn

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Wow! This is so good " Only great pain... torment... distress... before the grave.". Loved it.

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Terry Craddock 22 September 2015

Yes when I considered my most popular poems I find, they were all on my old overseas site, most starting near the top in the alphabetical listing. Therefore they are not always the best or most interesting, just the most easily accessible, three of the first four listed; ‘cubism’ Picasso, “i Am Not A Terrorist” Sarah Palin and 2011 Global Fish Extinction Crisis. Then the most popular 'A Blue Rose Tragedy', followed by 'A Caster Of Stones', 'A Change Of Heart', 'A Cup Of Wine Would I Give Thee*', 'A Golden Memory', 'A Good Place To Start', etc. Seems almost all popular poems start with an 'A' and few readers can progress past this most popular of letters. The only exception being the poems 'Maya Angelou: A Phenomenal Woman? ', 'Sown Into Earth Adoration Love' and 'Song Of My Love*'. Therefore important theme poems like 'State Of 20th Century Man*' are overlooked. If we write too much, a lot of good poetry will be buried.

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Mihaela Pirjol 21 September 2015

This is absolutely beautiful, Terence! No wonder why it is one of your most popular poems. Wisdom and truth.

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Walterrean Salley 19 September 2014

Wisdom and fortitude in the words of a poem. Full of spiritual insight, and comforting to the soul. Thanks.

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Patricia Grantham 25 August 2014

I really enjoyed this beautiful poem written with such feeling and intensity. Mans journey through lfe is a long and tedious one. It is only through Gods help and our faith that will make it a good one. Very inspiring.

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