Junkin Family Album - First Poem- Untitled Poem by Darwin Henry Beuning

Junkin Family Album - First Poem- Untitled

Rating: 5.0

Love, Life and God, what little words they are,
Yet vastly great, the objects they define,
The last, though least, the greatest is by far,
We live, we love, as now our days decline

Since God is love, God is life.

When I look up to scan the works of God,
I know that he is love, that he is life,
Else I should be the subject of his nod,
And banished where there is eternal strife,

Apart from love, apart from life.

Surely supremely great that Being is,
Whose tender care immensity doth fill,
How great the subject, how great the bliss,
To adore him, prime and in glory still

In the midst of love & endless life

I wish you now, my dearest cousin E.
To think of these my lovely, lovely thine,
And pray and pray again, wher, er you be
That God may give himself to you and me

Will then have love & then have life


Friday, October 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: family
This is the first poem contained in the 1800s album owned by Eleanor Oliver. Poem is untitled, undated, and unsigned, initials only. Love, Life, and God are underlined as well as lovely, lovely. A wonderful poem. I wonder who was J. B.? ? I believe the poem is addressed to Eleanor.
Sylvia Frances Chan 10 August 2021

Most beautiful Antique poem.5 Stars for the poet JB and also for the poet Hank! Thank you so much for sharing this antique poem, Hank!

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Cowboy Ron Williams 10 August 2021

How did you obtain this little book, Hank?

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Michael Walker 19 September 2019

I would fear being banished 'where there is eternal strife'. I want better than that.

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Bri Edwards 20 April 2017

By though least, do you mean in # OF LETTERS USED TO SPELL 'God'? OK, did J.B. mean..... To think of these my lovely, lovely thine, And pray and pray again, wher, er you be........ were you using a tablet to type, as I am now? ......................to what/who does thine refers? And wher, er .....? [Thanks for Poet's Notes. J.B. Jeb Bush? ] I should have read it 1st. Or Jeb Beuning? bri :)

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Kim Barney 23 October 2015

This is a wonderful poem from the 1800's. You were indeed fortunate to come across this little book in the manner that you did. It is a treasure, a one-of-a-kind find.

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