Just Before Dawn.... Poem by Eric Cockrell

Just Before Dawn....

i've been too long in the valley of death,
too long in the prisons, too long at the wheel.
too close to the blade, too far from the fire,
too long defined by lonliness and grief.

they say there's a wind,
that comes from a forbidden place.
that strips leaves from the trees,
and causes mountains to shudder.

they say there's a god,
whose name we cant say.
who walks naked in the instant,
just before dawn.

and they say there's a lover,
who smells like me.
who tastes like my hunger,
whose voice i know.

yes, and they say there's a time,
when the wars will cease.
when the hungry will be fed,
and someone will care.

and i pray there's a hand,
and eyes that shine...
that darkness will undress me,
and name the light!

that small kindnesses will turn,
the ancient potter's wheel.
and make me a cup,
held close by your heart.

if i dance tonight beneath trees that weep,
know that tomorrow i'll burn,
know that my lips wait still...
know that i am alive...

as words fall like leaves...
the cross i lay down,
is but a shovel, but a pen...
the page i write upon...

you, simply you!

Harriet James 09 August 2012

Beautiful, very passionate Eric, wonderful

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