Laws Of Man Poem by Randy McClave

Laws Of Man

Someday, I will say goodbye to all of man’s laws
Abiding to them I will have to no more
I will shun any contract, will, or a document clause
Then all of man’s laws I will be able to finally ignore,
I won't have to worry about a subpoena in the mail
Or the knock of the sheriff at my front door
I won't need to worry about paying a fine or bail
To laws I will not have to abide to them anymore,
No longer will I worry about getting a ticket
As to all laws I will have said my goodbyes
Nor will I worry about being fined if I did picket
No longer by law will I be forced or coerces to apologize,
Never again will I be forced to go to any court
While listening to an adult who wears only a robe
No longer the laws of man will I want to support
Either here or anywhere around the globe,
All laws that I know they should be eradicated
They should be replaced with just common sense
We need not be governed we need to be sophisticated
Laws should be a protection and not a defense,
No law should be created to make any man rich
Laws should be established to help nature and the poor
Laws made by man should be buried into a ditch
But one day I will worry about them not anymore,
In my thoughts and soul there is no more churning
We are all helpless in the face of our own destiny
What I had felt once before it is no longer concerning
Myself being and my belief is sadly my inevitably,
Legal actions no longer will I need to pursue
Of all laws I swear that someday them I will ban
It's true when you die you can't take your wealth with you
But happily, neither do you take the laws of man.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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