Lead Poem by Noelle Mott


We met each other in the ancient times,
My heart was attracted to your atomic number 82 times,
I think you should lose weight since your atomic weight is 207.2 atomic mass units
When we hang out, you start melting at 327.46°F (600.61 K)
When we go swimming in a hot tub, you start boiling at 1740.0°C (2022 K)
We went to the doctors to get you a physical to play sports at school,
The doctor announced to us your density is 11.342 grams per cubic centimeter,
In the classroom the teacher talks about what assignments are due,
With the temperature of the classroom, you stand solid,
We are put in a group together during 6th period; group #14 and our name is “none”
I have between 60 and 70 percent of water in my body and you have 86.6% of
Whenever we play games like Hide-and-Go-Seek, I find you in zinc, silver, and
Copper ores
You’re moderately active when playing tennis in Physical Education
At the bowling match, protons scored 82 points, neutrons scored 125 points, and
Electrons scored 82 points
When we try lifting each other to see whose stronger, your heavy, but soft and toxic
For the science project, you used batteries, bullets, solder, pewter, ceramic glaze
Coloring, Fishing sinkers, radiation shield, coolant for reactors, organ pipes,
Electrolysis, High voltage power cables, ballast keel of sailboats, and scuba diving
Weight belts,
It is easy for you to mine and refine diamonds, rubies, and emeralds in caves
You often record on a weight calendar how much you weigh
Since the 1960s, you have concerned many people about their health effects you
Cause them
On our dinner dates, scientists come up to our table and inform us that you cause
Mental and Physic problems in their growing children, making me lose my appetite
In the air, I react to the oxygen surrounding us, but you don’t
I burn in lava, but you dissolve in cold acids and slowly in water
When we go to a country concert I react crazy, but you react rapidly with hot acids

Gagnon, Steve. 'The Element Lead.' It's Elemental -. Jefferson Lab.07 Nov.2013 <http: //educa Haynes, William M., and David R. tion.jlab.org/itselemental/ele082.html>.

Lide. CRC handbook of chemistry and physics a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data: 2010-2011. Boca Raton (Fla.) : CRC P,2010.

K., Maggie. '#82 - Lead - Pb.' #82 - Lead - Pb.2005. The Periodic Table.07 Nov.2013 <http: //www.hobart.k12.in.us/ksms/PeriodicTable/lead.htm>.

Knapp, Brian J., and David Woodroffe. Visual science encyclopedia. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational,2002.

Newton, David E., and Lawrence W. Baker. Chemical elements: From carbon to krypton. Vol.2. G-O. Detroit: U·X·L,1999.

Scerri, Eric. 'Lead.' Pictures, stories, and facts about the element in the Periodic Table.2 Sept.2013. Period Table.08 Nov.2013 <http: //www.periodictable.com/Elements/082/>.
Noelle Mott

Noelle Mott

Tucson, Arizona
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