Liberty And Justice For All Poem by Randy McClave

Liberty And Justice For All

We pledged our allegiance to the United States
When I was younger and I went to school,
And we pledged liberty and justice for everyone
That was our number one pledging rule.

In school we said our morning prayer
As we all prayed to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,
We asked him to bless each one of us
Because for us he was tortured and sacrificed.
They tell us now that we can't talk about love
And now they teach us who to loathe and to berate,
Schoolchildren are gunned down almost daily in school
Jesus told us all to love and not to judge or hate.

They are mad because we followed our solemn oath
That we read, as it hung from the classroom wall,
Were we not to believe those mighty words that we read
When we now demand, liberty and justice for all.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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