Life The Great Equalizer Poem by Dorothy Good

Life The Great Equalizer

Life...the great equalizer
Nobody has measured how much a heart can hold.
iN this great world of people, in poverty...or sickness, or social skills or maladjustments...blessings or adversities...who can measure another's heart? Who can tell how much it holds? Who is to say...'all things work out for them? ' Who is to say who holds the advantage?
Supposing I believe there are those that have an advantage...who will bring us to the same threshold of love... when those, in return, may be thinking the same thoughts, believing the same things. Who is to say who needs no healer and who needs to be healed? Mankind is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward and only the span of life will tell the whole.
Who is to measure the anxiety of sickness?
who is to measure the silent longing of a soul?
who is to measure the hurt of a wound?
who is to measure the unfairness of a judgement?
who is to measure the pain of isolation?
Who is to measure the cost of rejection?
who is to measure the breach of a trust?
who is to measure the heartbreak of a tragedy?
who is to measure the failure of grace?
who is to measure the worry of finances?
who is to measure the disappointment of friendships?
who is to measure the discouragement of parenting?
who is to measure the loss of posessions?
who is to measure the depth of lonliness?
who is to measure the climb to self worth?
who is to measure the distance between cultures?
who is to measure the breadth of a barrier
who is to measure the gulf between winning and losing?
who is to measure the length of the thread of hanging on?
who is to measure the height of one's mountain?
who is to measure the strength for the second mile?
who is to measure the refusal of forgiveness?
who is to measure the story of a life?
who is to measure an advantage?
who is to measure a life in a balance?
Who is to measure how much a heart can hold?
Could we be a little kinder?
Could we be a little blinder?
could we put away our judgements...set them free?
Could we trust that all are needy...just like me?
could we make a day seem brighter?
could we make a load seem lighter?
Oh Today...Dear Lord, that I Could be
loving...merciful..., to all mankind... like Thee

Liza Sudina 14 October 2015

It reminded me a Book of Job from Bible! thank you for your faith!

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