Little Is Much Poem by Bob Gotti

Little Is Much

Rating: 5.0

Little is much, when God is in it, guided by God’s Holy Spirit,
The third person of The Trinity, Who guides both you and me,
Guiding us, for God’s Glory, as He begins an awesome story,
Displaying Power and Grace, as God leads us place to place.

As we enter God’s economy, things are not what we may see,
All we can’t see He does for us, as a follower of Christ Jesus,
God does things, we think not of, as God directs from above,
All along our journey my friend, with eternity, our ultimate end.

No effort is too small for God, as we are led by staff and rod,
When we choose His path to go, though the end we not know,
Confidence in God is a must, as in our Savior we put our trust,
As God achieves in me and you, what by our self we’d not do.

Doing what we wouldn’t conceive, as the blessings we receive,
As God works His miracles, while God’s purpose Christ fulfills,
God always does more with less, and as we live He shall bless,
All who willingly give their life, and submit to our Savior, Christ.

In all of us, much is the size, ordered by a God, Eternally Wise,
Working out His Eternal Plan, in each and every Believing man,
Doing more than we can imagine, when your life, The Lord is in,
Blessing even our smallest ways, so to The Lord, we lift praise.

Mohammad Akmal Nazir 29 June 2011

Good poem. Vivid imagery and remarkable style. I loved the way you composed the poem. Voted 10. Thanks for sharing..... Kindly read and vote my poem 'Abortion.' on page 4. Regards Akmal

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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