'Lives Within Our Hands' Poem by Linda Winchell

'Lives Within Our Hands'

Rating: 5.0

Our children's lives lie within your hands
as it ever has before.
Our country is electing our new leaders
and our future will pay what's scored!

Our vote gives us the power
to vote in or out what we feel right or wrong.
Abortions and Gay marriages on ballots
it will change all that follows, and comes along.

Is it right to take an unborn life?
Is it wrong to take same sex for a wife?
Is stem cell research the way to go?
Do you check, box YES, or do you check box, NO?

Consider the ramifications of all that's checked
search your heart, then think through what you feel is best.
Our children's, children's futures, lie in what you decide
and will have its impact on every present and future lifes.

Barbara Terry 01 November 2008

Oh yes! What we decide on the ballot is certainly going to affect our children's children, and their children too. We have the power to say No, but we also have the power to say yes, for the rights of others regardless of how we see them. Different is not the same as wrong. Thank you Linda for sharing this deep, thoughtful poem. It really does make the reader think. Voting is Tuesday, and I hope our country makes the right choices. Love & hugs, Your sister in Christ our Lord, Barbara

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Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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