Loss Virginity, Lost Father Poem by Kayla Fuller

Loss Virginity, Lost Father

The loss of your virginity to the one you love
you think it's wrong but he says it's all right
you trust him with your whole heart
so you do what he says

you can't looked into his eyes
and when your laying there with his hands rubbing you, as he slowly moves his way down; you lay there and think how bad you want this to be done
the pain you go through as he gets pleasure makes you wanna cry
you want it to stop, but you are scared what he'll do
you tell him no more til you relize your looking down the barrel of a gun
you give it to him til you tell your mom
and she doesnt believe you til she sees the marks on your body and the terrior in your eyes
and now he's in prison and your sitting in counseling talking to a stranger bout why you don't have a dad..........you sit there in wonder and think how this is all your fault and all you hear is that it wasn't your fault that you did the right thing but when you look back in the passed you relize all the things you coulda done.
and every nite it plays back in your head, every silent moment when your mind wonders off all you think about are those nights of horror.
you loss your virginity and lost your father, two wrongs and no rights.

Stephanie Hazle 13 May 2016

This is powerful...and sincere. Prayers are going up for anyone who has been subject to anything like this. May you come to know how loved you truly are...

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Chocolate Bunny 28 October 2008

This is a serious poem. Although many might not understand I think through your writing you can help others.

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