Love Poem by william cunningham


There's a four letter word
That I can relate to you
Because it is true
I ain't having a joke
I'll poke you
Because I'm trying to tell you
But I'm failing
And I've got others complaining
And its piling on top
I feel like I'm gonna drop
I just want people to stop
But its what happens
When people know who you love
So spread you wings like your a dove
Just come on over
Take a bow
And do not frown
Because in my eyes your deserve to wear a crown
Because I love you
Your my sunshine in the rain
You are my light in the darkness
You are my bright little star in the night
You are my moon light that guides me through my problems
I think you have destroyed my fears
I think somethings changing between us
But I don't know what
You have a great personality
But I don't want to destroy it
Like I've destroyed my future
I thought I was clear
But its still a blur
I spilt what I said
My actions make me seem shy and dead
I feel bored
Other words that I know that don't fit into this
Because there's a mixture that twists
I think this is turning into mist
I just don't want to miss you
But my actions are making me fall
I think I better check the phone
See if I've had any annoying calls
I know I'm annoying
But I ain't trying
To be admiring
I just want to see if the four letter word will come clear to me
Because I've folded my hand
I've stopped kicking the can
I need a fan
Because the weather is to much
Making me chuck up muck
Its disgusting
Like hate
Don't feel like your coming to your fate
Because I love your best mate
She may not be perfect
But she has a great personality
One that I admire
She thinks I'm sweet
But its my heart attempting to skip a beat
I think I need a seat
Because I'm feeling pink
I like flirting
Because it stops me from hurting
I use to feel like desserting
So I took a flight
To where she is polite
I'll fight for her
As long as she understands
That I would love to be her man
But I need to take a stand
Instead of hiding behind words and lyrics
I want to chill out and have a picnic
I've told most of my mates to stick it
But I'm trying to find my path
Because I think I'm feeling daft
I sent a text message
But it went straight to draft
I was trying to tell you
That I love you
Its a strong word
That might be missed judge
Because I've got a grudge
One that I can't let go of
Its gonna take a while
To get use to
But I'm just a person
Every person has feelings
Even if they have strayed away
They still know how to love
So don't treat them like a rug
Just keep calm and give them a hug
Keep calm and continue loving

william cunningham

william cunningham

st geoges hospital
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