Love Your Enemies Poem by Luz H.

Love Your Enemies

Rating: 5.0

'Love Your Enemies', my brother said
and I began to live again...
simple words uttered by pure light
sent my thoughts to things above.

Yet when I saw those that rejoice in harm
approach me with venom in their hearts
I ran away to safer grounds,
to hide in his pure love that abounds.

I did not provoke, but feared their hate.
Again my brother said, to love
the poor that lacked his light,
to judge not their hearts.

I prayed they'd see your light
to come afloat from such darkness,
the confusion that false ego brings.
I prayed they'd feel your love.

It wasn't long before I saw them cry
tears of affliction and genuine pain,
righteous oppression brought on
by the source that purifies the souls.

In their anguish and pain I did not rejoice
but in the pureness that remained.

Prabir Gayen 01 March 2019

100000000++++++ vote from me

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Luz Hanaii 02 March 2019

Big Thanks! Sending lots of positive energy and more comments.

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Chinedu Dike 18 May 2019

Nice thought provoking piece of poetry, well articulated and elegantly crafted with spiritual insight. Thanks for sharing.

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Luz Hanaii 18 May 2019

Thank you much, for reading and commenting.

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Michael Walker 27 January 2020

It is far from easy to love your enemies, as Jesus advised. Your brother spoke wise words to you.

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Luz Hanaii 30 January 2020

Thank you for commenting, the brother I'm referring to is " Jesus" , he is the best.

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Luz Hanaii 09 December 2019

Thank you Edward for reading and commenting.

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Edward Kofi Louis 08 December 2019

True love is the key! ! Without racism! ! ! ! Love for all! The world needs peace. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Mahtab Bangalee 01 December 2019

In their anguish and pain I did not rejoice but in the pureness that remained. // written beautifully

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Malaya Roses 30 June 2019

It's a beautiful and true feeling about a hatred and bullish attitude and it made this poem so sincere and honest. I love the way how it ends because I do agree with the poet that nothing will go free without effect especially when people do so much evil deeds towards each other.

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