Loyalty, Trust And Love.... Poem by Abhijit Surve

Loyalty, Trust And Love....

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We say that love demands a lot from you,
But reality suggests it is not at all true..
Two very simple things in love are a must,
One is devoted loyalty and a faithful trust..

Trust in your love make sure it is deep,
The returns you get is for you to keep..
The stronger the bond its harder to break,
Has to be so when there's so much at stake..

When in a relation, its trust that you need,
True belief in your love demands your heed..
Once broken to pieces is hardly rebuilt,
At times you have to live with the guilt..

Here loyalty too plays an important role,
Offers a soothing cohort to a longing soul..
Staying with your love in joy and sorrow,
Smiles you give and the tears you borrow..

In a relation, loyalty brings you close,
The faith you show, when beside you pose..
Just one false step of treacherous mind,
Cracks apart relations of every kind..

Sometimes these emotions are put to test,
Puts two hearts in a conflicting unrest..
One reason all problems are easy to shun,
Is trusting the loyalty of your loved one..

A relation in itself is a bond so strong,
Together you face all the right and wrong..
These factors decide how long it stands,
Here loyalty and trust walk hand in hands..

Mehamattbutt 12 December 2018

Idc bout dogs.They stink.Cats rule.Dont dare thumb down cause I am best.Exept at grammar

3 8 Reply
Janice 12 November 2018

Real live

1 2 Reply
Janice 12 November 2018

Love real love

1 3 Reply
Pallavi 03 June 2018

Very beautiful .....and true written ....... Touched my heart......

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