Made For Each Other Poetry And Friendship! Poem by Ramesh T A

Made For Each Other Poetry And Friendship!

Consistent constructive communication builds up friendship among like minded people;
That too poetic communication of ideas brings closer distant people as intimate friends;
The best means to any friendship in the world surely begins from portal of poetry!

Poets are the friends of world people connecting hearts more than minds forever;
Friendship of poets are real friendship the world witnesses from time immemorial to man;
Poet friends are far above all barriers of the world and transcend all differences of all!

Even if their lives are short, their ideas, wisdom and prophecies continue to guide all;
Their words of wisdom are eternal truths based on experience and researches minute in life;
Their prophecies never go waste and remain in vain as neglected Books on shelves!

Poetry and friendship are made for each other that transcend all customs by love unique;
The magic of poetry no other art has so firm and fabulous that poetry is divine sure;
The loving words of poetry are the mantra that makes man a human and divine at the same time!

Anthology of poems of poets all over the world unites mankind to form one world,
Where they see no colours and races as different but one and the same world family!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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