Make World A Paradise! Poem by Ramesh T A

Make World A Paradise!

Rating: 5.0

Mind of an artistic natural Poet with the heart interested in Nature
Intellectually pursues great ideas to take all to sublimity for peace;
Peace is what all seek finally for freeing oneself of all chains in world life;
Life has to be enjoyed ever or else, non-attached way of life is best!

Best life is possible only by universal love of all so as to eliminate enmity or hatred;
As that is the cause for all tussles and turmoils in the world to chaos sure;
For freeing oneself from all such entanglements is resort to Nature only;
For, Nature teaches of the source, purpose and destiny for all living beings!

But man's pursuit to see the ultimate in materialistic technology
Nature is neglected;
Pollution, climate change, natural disasters, diseases and wars make world graveyard;
Death and destruction of all will make man's superior ability a sheer waste after all;
Realizing this great truth, man has to set-right all setbacks to sensible normality!

Competition and winner in sports are okay, but cooperation and coordination are a must
For all living beings to live in peace, prosperity and progress to make world a paradise!

Purpose of man is to create the best in accordance with his superiority of all creations but not to destroy all due to sheer materialism!
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Ramesh T A 07 July 2022

Purpose of man is to create the best in accordance with his superiority of all creations but not to destroy all due to sheer materialism!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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