Middle Eastern Plan To Hijack Commercial Aircraft Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Middle Eastern Plan To Hijack Commercial Aircraft

Oil Date 1998 and 2000
George H.W. Bush a former President purchases
'The Best Enemies Money Can Buy' skip travels
to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned
Carlyle Group who are elite 11th largest defense
US contractor but who does Bush meet Bush meet...

In Saudi Arabia George H.W. Bush meets privately
with the Saudi royal family and bin Laden family?

Oil Date January 2001
Bush Administration orders FBI plus intelligence
agencies to 'back off' investigations involving
can't touch that Bush protected bin Laden family
including two of wanted Osama bin Laden's relatives
Abdullah and Omar living in Falls Church next to...

CIA headquarters previous orders protecting bin
Laden family dating back to 1996 frustrating efforts
to investigate al-Qaeda suspects in bin Laden family?

Oil Date Feb 13,2001
Richard Sale UPI Terrorism Correspondent
on trial of bin Laden's al-Qaeda followers
reports infamous National Security Agency
broke bin Laden's encrypted communications
are reading all Osama bin Laden's terror plans...

How does this mesh with wield fact US government
insists that 9/11 attacks had been planned for years
yet Bush keeps ordering zero bin Laden monitoring?

Oil Date May 2001
How bizarre Colin Powell Secretary of State gives
$43 million in aid to Taliban regime reportedly
to assist poor hungry Afghani farmers now starving
since destruction of their opium crop in January
on orders of Taliban regime drug intolerance policy …

Drugs war war on drugs covert money making policy?

Oil Date May 2001 (Smoking Guns)
Richard Armitage Deputy Secretary of State
a former Navy Seal a career covert operative
travels to India on a publicized known tour
meanwhile George Tenet CIA Director quiet
visits Pakistan meets Pakistani leader General...

Pervez Musharraf but but put the pieces together
Richard Armitage possesses Pakistani intelligence
connections long deep is recipient of the highest
civil decoration awarded by Pakistan so is is is it
reasonable to assume while in Islamabad Tenet...

in an unusually long meeting also met with his
Pakistani counterpart Lt. General Mahmud Ahmad
head of the ISI and upon what well oiled purpose?

Oil Date June 2001
German intelligence the BND warns CIA and Israel
Middle Eastern terrorists plan to hijack commercial
aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols
of American and Israeli culture but fear not no attack
can succeed NSA has broken bin Laden's encryptions...

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Split image from the poem 'Twisted Paths To Invasion Afghanistan? ' by Terence George Craddock.
Source data 'The Price of Oil' by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9,2001 - The Asia Times, 'The Roving Eye Part I Jan.26,2002.
'War against Afghanistan was decided by July 2001' by Michael C. Ruppert.
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