Midnight Poem by Samantha Jenks


Night wishes it was day so that it could shine so bright, fill this world with color instead of dark dead silence. The sun brings warmth which fills my soul. Nights…… night brings the sorrow, it screams, hiding from the light silenced by a tear dripping down my cheek. Sunrise, sunset, I’m moving on, I’m looking back. Here comes the sun casting shadows over all I’ve done. Here comes the moon when the fear can’t seem to hide. Eyes wide shut the darkness calls my name. A soothing lullaby forever played. Heartbeats fill the air reaching for that warmth when theses screams don’t seem to cry. Ill make you proud don’t let me down. I hear footsteps all around. Here comes the sun its racing now. Light stretching across this haunted earth pushing away all the pain all his hurt. Night and dark clash with the light of day, the sun sounding out all this silence. Night, not quite ready to be heard. I’m pushed I’m pulled beaten down neither will win I’ll fall to the ground. Sun washes over me telling me its okay to open my eyes. I’m not sure what’s to happen. I open my eyes but all I see is dark. The darkness comes from within this very soul and heart, where the sun could never reach. Wide awake I sleep through the day back to night in the cold in the dark where these screams seem to come out but could never be found. Silence is heard; my ears burn for those words, when spoken can never be heard.

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