Mostar, The Jewel Of Herzegovina Poem by Dr Shamim Ali

Mostar, The Jewel Of Herzegovina

Mostar, jewel of Herzegovina,
A city of both nature and art,
Where beauty reigns in every corner,
And history beats in every heart.

Stari Most, the grand Ottoman bridge,
Crosses Neretva, emerald and bright,
With archways and designs intricate,
A sight that fills the soul with light.

Stone houses line the winding streets,
Converted shops and cafes abound,
The old town's alleys wind and meet,
With stunning views that surround.

Museums and mosques dot the land,
Whispering tales of days gone by,
Of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rule,
And the city's strength to defy.

But the beauty of Mostar is not just in the past,
It's the people, warm and true,
Their hospitality unsurpassed,
And their love for visitors, anew.

So come, wander the streets of Mostar,
And let its beauty fill your soul,
Let the city's history be your guide,
And the people make you whole.

A city of both nature and art,
Where beauty reigns in every corner,
And history beats in every heart.

Stari Most, the grand Ottoman bridge,
Crosses Neretva, emerald and bright,
With archways and designs intricate,
A sight that fills the soul with light.

Stone houses line the winding streets,
Converted shops and cafes abound,
The old town's alleys wind and meet,
With stunning views that surround.

Museums and mosques dot the land,
Whispering tales of days gone by,
Of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rule,
And the city's strength to defy.

But the beauty of Mostar is not just in the past,
It's the people, warm and true,
Their hospitality unsurpassed,
And their love for visitors, anew.

So come, wander the streets of Mostar,
And let its beauty fill your soul,
Let the city's history be your guide,
And the people make you whole.

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