Mother Nature's Poem by Randy McClave

Mother Nature's

Rating: 5.0

The trees and the grass and the insects say enter
It is time again to hibernate and for the world to go into winter,
But, then I feel the heat and a summer's breeze
The sun angrily with this notion disagrees.

Then I worriedly gave Mother Nature a call
I asked her were was the fall,
The time of year that is also known as Autumn
About that season has she forgotten.
The air suppose to become so much cooler
The moon suppose to become so much fuller,
Everyone around agrees fall should have already begun
Everyone, except for the sun.

Mother Nature sadly said that she did not forget that season
And why it's not arrived, there is a reason,
Man has polluted the waters, the lands and the air
Even while Mother Nature was standing over there.
The sun will not now hide or go away
Longer with you it will heat the earth and it will stay,
The snow and the cold will now also be gone
Now instead of the four seasons, there now will be just one.

Mother Nature then said that she was not the blame
She's always ushered in the seasons as they came,
I have gave you winter since time began
And remember this, it wasn't me who stopped winter, it was man.

Randy L. McClave

Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: nature,pollution
Kumarmani Mahakul 17 September 2019

The trees and the grass and the insects all live here cheerfully and Mother Nature selflessly serve for all. An amazing poem is brilliantly penned.10

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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