Mr.Tinkle And Rip Van Winkle Poem by Kim Robin Edwards

Kim Robin Edwards

Kim Robin Edwards

Born-Newfane, New York USA From California :

Mr.Tinkle And Rip Van Winkle

Mr.Tinkle and Rip Van Winkle.
Both they tinkled on a fence.
But when they were caught.
By the Police, they were sought.
They had to post some bail.
Traveled with Betty, after eating spaghetti.
Sat in an easy chair.
Mr.Tinkle and Rip van Winkle..
Again were hungry soon.
But Rip Van Winkle stole Tinkle's money.
Became a millionaire.
They rode on a bus, without a fuss.
Went to a convenient store.
They ordered a burger.Along with some liquor.
Lettuce, mayo, mustard, and more..
Rip Van Winkle found a wrinkle, in his overalls.
He had to snooze, after drinking the booze.
And never woke again!
Now Mr.Tinkle..Without Van Winkle.
Sat in an easy chair.
Had to tinkle with his dinkle.
Fickle with a pickle and pear.
Went with Audrey to do his laundry.
Now it's a love affair...

Rhyming-Scheme-Poem By Kim Robin Edwards
Copyright 2009..
ALL rights reserved..

Comment-The couple went off into the sunset..

Joseph Poewhit 19 September 2009

FUNNY - how things just workout sometimes

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Kim Robin Edwards

Kim Robin Edwards

Born-Newfane, New York USA From California :
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