My Home, Rwanda? Poem by Nadia Marie

My Home, Rwanda?

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Karisimbi, Nyungwe and Rubavu, the true beauty of Rwanda
A country built on unity, peace and development
Developed through culture and united by peace
But even peace can’t shut the jaws of hungry dogs
It’s been called the country of a thousand hills
But I mostly remember it for shedding so many tears
I call it Rwanda, which is so full of sins
Not home for I do not hold the keys

Even unity can’t shut the greed of hungry and wealthy men
Because jealousy runs in the blood of those who light up your day
For we had enjoyed relative peace that others could only dream of
But when the war arrived, we didn’t wake up from a dream
For so many of my people had died in vein
All just to fulfil his legacy and reign
I do pity him for I doubt he ever sleeps
The blood is on his hands for those he’s had killed

We fell into a nightmare we couldn’t awake from
Emotions radars were driven into insanity
Because the mind has seen what it wasn’t prepared for
It was now clear that this wasn’t just a horror film
This wasn’t just a war either, it was a slaughter
When the spirit of Satan the dark lord roamed across the land
Turning neighbours into enemies and families into corpses of living hell
Oh dear God, do I cry for the dead, the living or myself?

Fled from my homeland and into the land that doesn’t want me
Fate took away what was precious and gave me back a mansion of pain
Like when the morning sunshine is covered by cloudy rain
Just to bring misery into my life
I haven’t stepped on its ground for almost 10 years
It was repossessed but I know I didn’t have any arrears
I’ve had to find a new home where they call me an immigrant
Taking their money and houses through a government grant

If only they knew what I really went through
My body shivered till it got numb and my breath very cold
I didn’t want to feel the consciousness of seeing my family die
But heard the grinded machete slice through human skulls like firewood
Stood so still, thought I was going to faint which would be better
Than feeling the presence of death with every breath I took
In retaining courage to have the strength to stand
The fear was still running through my veins leaving me numb

I was fleeing for my life but many still want to be arrogant
Don’t they know that as a refugee I can still be an advantage?
I pay the same taxes but still they have that arrogance
Only a few know that I’m not the enemy and given me a chance
As if my life isn’t complicated enough already
My life is in a foreign land, which can only be half a life
And racism always finds its mark on white mans land
But as I sit here surrounded by darkness, I ask the living God to bear

Fruits in me, so that I can shine again
Because only few are blessed with the Holy Spirit to endure this pain
But God, will you just tell me this
Why did you leave us, why did you leave Rwanda?
My beautiful home, is now but a far distant memory
I do wish I could return and live the life dreamt by many
But many have said that life is so very strange
So guess the world will always run in its mysterious ways.

So, where’s home, is it where I am now, or where my cry was first heard?

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