My Reminder Poem by Tessa Eichhorst

My Reminder

All these years there you've been. You've played
all the correct parts we need for our play to
procede. Both of you have been my coach, my
friend, my very own bully, my rock, my father-granted
we share the same one-my example and my reminder.

True, sisters share a bond so close, but brothers
and a little sister can share one just as close. I
haven't always been the type you want to acknowledge
in public, but I'm the one you watch over the closest.

At times I've wished or hoped for us not to be related. The
teasing wasn't always a pleasure mostly because the
truth hurts most. Than I realize I am who I am because
we are related and God couldn't have made me more
blessed to have you two as my brothers.

I can write a novel on the lessons you pursue at teaching
me; there in ly my reminders. First is the reminder
not to rely on others notions of you; you are your own
self-just live. Second is the reminder to give what
you can take. No joke you tell can be harsher than
what pierces your heart. Third is the reminder to become
great-achieve all you can when you can. Don't pass
up an opportunity because you found something you
don't fully trust. Fourth is the reminder to cherish-hold
on and be thankful for those God gives you-we aren't

Lastly is the reminder to listen to you. The best advice
and the best circumstances to be put through have been
played on in both of you. You want me to succeed and
not fail in life, for deep down, thats all our biggest fear.

I would have to say I am the luckiest little sister in the
world. God has given me two examples of life, love,
hardship, endurance, faith, and tears. To the two
whom I love equally; half the women I am is owed
to you. Thank you for the care, the tears, the
laughter, and the pain-for I woudln't want to spend
my life any other way.

To my brothers you are my life's greatest reminder.

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