Natural Human Love Only Leads To Progress And Liberation! Poem by Ramesh T A

Natural Human Love Only Leads To Progress And Liberation!

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Natural love only kindles inspiration, interest, devotion, dedication,
Ambition, strong will and all to do greatest deeds by all anywhere sure;
Such zealous act of love is exposed in creative works of art and also,
In inventive works of science and technology for the progress of humanity!

Parents, friends and education by government should encourage such acts
Of all from the childhood onwards leading to great artists, Poets and
Philosophers and scientists, who only can inspire and lead world people
In the right direction for promoting peace, prosperity and progress ever!

Such love is selfless natural desire based on dreams of divine nature
That has to lead the human world to divinity but not military force or
Right political ideology or religious belief dividing the unity of world
Humanity aspiring for harmonious development of heart, mind and soul!

Natural human love of great, best and noble desire cherished by dreams
Of highest divine nature can lead all to eternal liberation in life sure!

Mahtab Bangalee 10 September 2020

Humanity aspiring for harmonious development of heart, mind and soul.... yeah right you are

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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