Natural Resources Are For All To Share! Poem by Ramesh T A

Natural Resources Are For All To Share!

Heat fluctuation brings in convectional rains making us believe season has changed;
But after the rains, again radiation of Sun doesn't seem to minimize in measure;
If there is rain on some places, heat waves don't seem to show mercy elsewhere;
It is due to man's pollution making advancements, climate has changed all over world!

Despite such drawbacks, Nature balances itself by sudden rains in dry areas
Bringing some solace to farmers and water scarcity places bringing cheers to all;
Perhaps Nature by rationalization shares even the meagre resources with all;
Not only Nature, but also, all disciples of it follow the same rule in all seasons!

Yes, the so called ordinary crows share whatever available food with all their kind;
This is the everyday lesson they teach to all mankind to follow with its kind ever;
Yes, I mean sharing of river water with all drought prone States by neighbours;
Not only for crows but also for all united we stand, divided we fall ever damn sure!

Jasmine flowers of neighbour's garden please outsiders too by their fragrance;
This is because air, water and natural resources are for all to share by Nature!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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