No Escape Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

No Escape

Rating: 5.0

There is no longer anywhere.
Anyplace to run. To avoid necessity
of facing; oneself in mirrors.
No unexplained frontiers
unknown continents accessible;
to unexplored common man.
Ocean depths polar regions space.
Are only open to obtainable;
highly skilled. Specialized
individuals. With full corporate
backing; technology research grants.
None may venture forth alone.

This age demands; emotions
must be faced overcome.
With pressing need; in areas
never so cognitively challenged.
We can no longer escape
into labours; rhythm drudgery
or exhaustion of physical effort.
Technology; stripped bare
safety controls of muscular release.
Youth are forced; to face
modern culture in shock waves.
The world has become tame.

Yet frighteningly dangerous.
For savagery; stalks streets
of earth’s most advanced nations.
Resist the social exploitation;
and moral indifference;
feeding off industrial capitalism.
The wealth of a nation
is the private playground property;
of a privileged elite.
Nothing short of a social earthquake;
could pry their grip loose.
Mass fixed at jugular point.

Glass eyres where robber barons.
Guard their treasure chests;
overflowing with ill gotten gains.
Information base to stealth launch
campaigns of penetrating claws.
From college experience groom tools
to exploit suppressed masses;
are refined for material security.
Bachelors masters degree transport
for fast track recipient to heights;
of insider privilege power leadership.
Hard work civic commitments deficient.

Education to think intensively
critically. Paves roads for dangerous
people. Gifted with justification;
but lacking God given morals.
The relevance of a serious
intellectual quest for a method.
To eliminate social evil;
effect change becomes paramount.
The power of non-violence
is not unrealistic submission.
It is a courageous confrontation;
of evil by the power of love.

Who has capability strength
to subdue hate with love.
Control crowds faced with raw;
naked aggression. Non-violent
resistance is manipulated covertly.
An excuse to hurl storm-troopers;
into set up peaceful protests.
Lambs fit for wolves to feast upon.
God given holy spirit for Kings
who march for denied civil rights.
For people poor weak too ill to fight.
Better to be recipient than inflicter.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
http: //

Kevin Carney 12 August 2010

This is a phenomenal poem, you really hit it. In a way I couldn't stop thinking about 1984 yet its coming in 2010. You tell the coming of the decline of freedom, God and general civilization all in one. Great poem! ! !

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