Okay Poem by Randy McClave


If you want to know my wrath
I can answer you back with a fiery paragraph,
I can type the words that you don't want to read
And I promise you this, my thoughts you will heed.
I can use the words that will hurt and destroy
But, then as I thought that is such a juvenile ploy,
Once again I read and then again studied your savage text
Your stupidity and anger is what made me vexed.
People like you I should quickly replace
That is why you are not here talking to me face to face,
Or maybe because of an omen or presage
Your common sense instead sent me a message.
Your crude text I reread and then it I deleted
You are the one that once again is easily defeated,
Though about many things we both disagree
One thing you must remember, words cannot ever hurt me.
I wander what retribution in your mind now does linger
Are you going to flip me off with your middle finger,
Or maybe instead you are going to tell others your lies
Then a judgement by God, one day might be your surprise.
Now I have a different type of self control
Which governs my mind and also my soul,
But, you truly don't want to hear what I want to say
So, I instead will text you back with a simple, 'OK'.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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