One Smile, Many Meanings Poem by Juliana Galal

One Smile, Many Meanings

When I smiled they thought that I was happy and content,
But I was struggling to hide my tears and pain.
When I smiled they saw a colorful rainbow,
But I could feel a storm in my heart, a hurricane in my brain.

When I smiled they thought that I had forgotten it
But I could still feel the aching of my soul.
When I smiled they thought that I was living a comfortable life,
But my life was a battle field in which I had to die or beat them all.

And when I smiled in my troubled zone,
When my eyes didn't drop a single tear,
They thought it was irresponsibility and craziness
But it was the strength required to conquer my fear

When I smiled they thought that I was making fun of my problems,
But I was optimistic and knew that one day they will end.
They thought it provocative to smile at my enemy,
But I was just hoping to turn him into a friend.

They just don't get it, and life will go on anyway,
So I will just keep smiling everyday.
A smile is a language, easy to speak, hard to translate.
One smile can have a thousand meaning, so don't underestimate.

Michael Walker 15 October 2015

I like the longer lines and repetition of 'When I smile'. I think you can hide your hurt feelings behind a smile. A smile can have many meanings, as you say. Michael Walker.

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Lyn Paul 28 July 2014

That one smile and your big heart hold so much. Yet it is not good to hold everything in. Writing is such a great way of unloading pain. Keep up the great work. Thank You

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