Our World To Be! Poem by James Howden

Our World To Be!

I am not into god or religion, and I like sex as much as you all,
I care for the many that suffer, and I fear for the children so small.
But I feel we have missed our vocation, the true reason why we are all here,
And if we do not challenge the ways of this world, then what follows will persevere.
Drugs are the basis for evil, addiction that breeds sorrow and woe,
A route that our teen generation, are willing and able to go.
As is respect, what was once quietly given, but now is loudly upheld,
A myriad of senseless reactions, if this simple emotion withheld.
Our cities fall to anarchic strife, and Family values dissipate,
A violent, world of turmoil and strife, I sadly anticipate.
For our political aspirations, fall fowl to corruption and greed,
As we ignore our planets dilemma, and the warnings we fail to heed.
A world of hate and violence, endless suffering and needless death,
Unsympathetic eyes that turn away, as thousands gasp their last breath.
We read of mounting atrocities, Television show more shocking scenes,
We look on in bewildered amazement, in awe of those killing machines.
The lust for Sexual gratification seems to spawn a more malevolent scum,
Against our family, children, and old, the depravity shocks me numb.
I foresee a world of exclusion, where care and compassion have gone,
A hellish Armageddon, where brutality and Evil will spawn.

James Howden

James Howden

Edinburgh, Scotland
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