Ph: Beary Tales: Bear's Most "Read" Book (Of Poems) Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Beary Tales: Bear's Most "Read" Book (Of Poems)

Bear's Most "Read" Book (Of Poems)

Recently Discovered Poetry By "Bear Johnston" (Dates Unknown)- Bear Johnston is the Teddy Bear companion of the protagonist in the Poetic Memoir "Beary Tales: Boy Finds His Voice" which uses faith, art, rhyme, and prose to tell its story.

Jill and Jack

Some folks dream of a Jack,
Others long for a Jill,
Though at times we're thrown back
God plan's Love for us still!


Oh, Cinderella found her prince,
And you can find your passion too,
The trick is getting off the fence,
For victory's just point of view!

Call Me "The Chosen One! "

This wonderful Boy shares so much of his life,
(Though some bears sit perhaps on a shelf) ,
But Boy says, "You're my luck, " and he likes me along,
Was I charmed by that Leprechaun-elf?

Best part of our day's spent high up in home Elm,
Name one bear, who can claim such a view,
Where we're soothed by God's breath and commune with the clouds;
I am sure Boy is "Chosen One" too!

Haiku #1

"open (up)sesame! "
bees know the secret of God's
sweet gold alchemy

Bee Talk!

Does a worker bee ever get breaks for some honey?
Snacks scheduled for ten, two, and four?
Or must workers take meals on the fly where they're able?
No time for the 'GOLD' bears adore!

It would be 'bee' disaster if bears got the pollen,
They'd never get back to the hive,
For the moment, they found food enough for a picnic,
They'd pause and 'pig out' till it's five.

Life Reflects Art

Boy is sad; girl he loves (in first grade)love's in doubt!
Her folks suddenly move (seems this bird's lost at sea) ,
It's like Venus is gone from night sky, light's blacked out!
And yes, she had a name (like bird's song)- "Verdalee."

Friends are sometimes like weather; skies change, day turns black,
Does not mean that her loss is not felt and forgot,
For Boy nicknamed her "Dale, " and she called him "Roy" back,
And the fragrance still lingers of lost Camelot.

Yes, adults have more power, but child feels loss too,
(Expectations of children perhaps not as high?)
New loves color sad space left by friendships turned blue,
But no parting comes easy. There's no good "Goodbye! "

The Future is Now!

The waves of what's coming are hard to address,
A stuffed Bear on life's beach can get swept out to sea!
And my place in the future intimidates me.
So first, let me surrender my need to impress!

The future surrounds us; it's over next hill.
But no matter direction, it comes to us still.
Though there's reason to doubt how important fate is,
And the WORLD BEARS THE WITNESS most choice is showbiz!

There's luck in prediction and loss in 'known' fact,
But to live on the fence is a coward's last act.
It's not just the winning; survival's nice too,
Trust some new doors will open whatever you do!

Bear's Caution! Most debtors won't praise you in song,
Best to keep some treats handy when horse tires of hay,
Instead of barn dreams, horse might work hard all day.
And a friend (you met recently)helps you along.

Love Has No Tail

Love and 'Bear' have no tail to get caught in the door,
No impediment's known that can lock out the heart.
Does a question exist that could ever ask more?
And does love have a look that does not play a part?

There's no tree you can climb where Love's eye does not see,
There's no way to persist you're not honey to me,
That soft rumble my prayer you hear in the night,
And the warmth that day brings says, "Bear's home, " in the light.

A Child Is So Fragile

A child is so fragile, but bears are quite tough,
We can fall out of tree, and be fine,
I would rather I didn't, thanks, stepped on's enough,
Some abuse just built in our design.

Bears bend, we don't break, and a tear moms' repair,
But a cub needs a kind yet firm touch,
For their bodies and souls (no one's given a spare) ,
That's why angels can matter so much.

The Kindness of Strangers

The kindness of strangers is not the top news,
Nor is money that's lost, but gets found and returned!
But the opposite certainly makes 'ears stand up, '
Means folks pay less attention to poverty's cup.

Now peace of mind's something we think that we like,
So, I want to give readers a small piece of mine!
There is no way to know whence help comes when we're down,
But the gift of our aid's on the road to a crown!

Bear Ponders His Path

Every year finds more new toys in boy's chest,
And he spends, it seems, more time away.
Saturdays used to stand out from the rest,
For at least there's no school on that day.

Now, though just five, Boy 'MUST' work at Dad's store,
His luck, job gives him money to spend.
Each hour he works earns a quarter or more,
Sad though 'things' seem to win in the end.

Obvious too "I" have less time with boy,
We leave more and more notes on our wall.
Though I am sure, I'm more loved than a toy,
Each year's 'Redshift' seems sad, worse than Fall.

I am aware "bloom's gone off of the rose, "
And now buttons replace both my eyes.
It's not just me, seems the newest toy knows,
Boy has dreams he'll soon fly in the skies.

Always at Choice?

I'm always at choice though outside there's rain falling,
Real choices exist though your skies may be grey,
Some bears live in the weather (though homes are nice also) ,
Depends if your treasure is comfort or play.

How long has it been since you slipped on galoshes
And splashed in mud puddles with childish delight?
For this bear has no problem if promised play's action,
Perhaps it's one reason I sleep well at night!

(More for adults!)
If caught in some trap, hope I'll choose to face music,
It's excellent choice to be present in life,
Since no faith can 'grok' ending, why claim you can do so?
Reflect on this mystery, Church is Christ's wife!

Day's Sweet Perfume!

If you love the sunrise, you might be a bear!
Pure potential! That's daybreak! (It's hard to compare!)
"But the dawn's birth is special; Friend! Darkness has fled! "
Oh, my heart WEEPS for ANYONE, late in their bed.

It's true! Rest is needed for mind to be clear,
But each dawn is new vessel of all LIFE holds dear,
Are you missing day's hug child? Here's one! Bears your name!
Just be sure that you breathe first, a BEARHUG'S not tame!

Who's a 'Poo-Poo' Brain?

I am saying this slowly; I hope to make plain,
That too frequently grownups are just 'Poo-Poo' Brain!
While they think they have answers, that child is naive,
Few adults have an actual 'ACE' up their sleeve.

If a child oversimplifies, sometimes that's gift,
When adults overcomplicate, plans need 'fork lift'
To get off of the ground (and they're rarely profound) .
But a child can reach heart of things faster than sound.

A child's mostly ingenuous, won't toy with lies,
For if he has no answer, the world hears his sighs.
The child feels the potential of heaven above,
And most trust that God's there! (It's beginning of love) .

Don't Be A Chicken!

"I know that I am real
Because Sir, what I FEEL,
AND GIFT, " I must opine!
"For what man can erase
The stain of time and space?
Let others jive and jam -
GOD Speaks, and lo, I AM! "

Mom's Golden Rule(s) !

"I would if I could, but I can't, so I shan't, "
First, last "Golden Rule" loved by the young,
And a nap's on the schedule for afternoon's ward,
Ask your mother! It drips from her tongue!

I'd like to stay up late with adults and see,
What it feels like they're trying to hide,
But though Bear shares Boy's fate, with me sleep's, I think, great,
For with dawn then 'WE' mostly decide.

Only A Star

A star that seems missing,
But every night's there,
Though we may not see it,
The sky is not bare!

When loved ones aren't present,
Have faith they are near,
In heart, and in God's love,
Their light shines as dear.

The Blue Room

I carry a blue room I fold in my mind,
Want to open? Tear cover, no need to pretend!
For a Bear to feel Blue is a feeling I find
That I want to indulge in, to "feel's" MUST my friend.

Though Blue's just one feeling in life, I claim all
That God puts on my table, Blue's lesson like Fire,
And so complex by Nature! Genes harbor wild call,
Just one chance in a million you won't taste their ire.

The World's Champions Are In!

Boy and Bear have a way, love to start off a day,
And we call it the "Beary Twin Stomp, "
Bang toy drum, toot a horn, our "Hello" to the morn,
And that's echoed by breakfast foods chomp!
It's salute to chef's meal; and it's just how we feel!
Day's begun, with appropriate pomp!

Some days syrup Twins pour, French toast done! Out the door!
Let the demons in backyard beware!
If night's theirs, day is ours, and it's lasting for hours,
Sun will "tan their hides" quick, if they share!
Come and join our fun too, it's OK, don't be blue!
Long white flower here's sweet, crisp tart pear!

'Card board' home's on display! Swings are ready for play,
Our backyard's more like 'Theme Park' it seems,
Climb with us to Elm's sky, where emotions get high,
You're our guest, and we'll welcome your schemes.
We say, "Hi! " not, "Goodbye! " Join 'Bear's Flight School' and fly!
For sand's servant of every child's dreams!

Grownups Big; Children Small! Who Wins?

Grownups just big (and their children just small) !
Who's in control is the heart of what's wrong!
Those who want kids to think? Show us you do.
Parents not here! They're dead? Waited too long!

Whipping one's child's trip down memory lane,
Some will propose, "Tough love's better, be stern! "
Even a child sees they haven't a clue,
What do you think is the lesson they learn?

Most kids experience 'Power Makes Right, '
Even though you may think you are quite fair,
You'll bear the blame if a bogus charge sticks,
Is your child's home a 'safe' place (or just lair) ?

Justice is truly what most of us want,
Perfect love really just part of respect,
Learn how to listen before your child's grown,
Tragedy's surname can rhyme with neglect!

"Hide and Seek"

"Oh! 'Hide and Seek' is so much fun,
Though summer is over and cool nights have won!
The stacks of leaves raked up from elm,
Such founts of bland color they just underwhelm."

"The raked-up piles all look alike!
Did Boy hide in one or perhaps take a hike?
Is one bunch bigger than the rest?
And might it then harbor duplicitous guest? "

"But then a glimpse of shirt I see,
I know where he hid! There! Behind our pear tree!
(But who knows when survival skills
Might save Boy or Bear from some Giants' ill wills?)

**LOVE'S** Always From **GOD**

When we love anyone, life's a present,
And path to the future is plain,
(Can't assure you you'll never feel doubt,
It can't promise you things will work out,
Does not mean vaccination from pain) ,
But each person you love God has sent.

From the moment dawn breaks till it's bedtime,
Sun's shining! (though skies may be grey) ,
God is there! (in each second of life) ,
Don't blame Love if you never find wife,
For love's gifting and never our prey!
When you fall, but get up, life will rhyme!

Fingers on the Scales

And what can we do with a man that's born cheat?
Costs us money to punish, is justice conceit?
Still, it's greed makes a wise man hold nose when he can,
And in truth, Bible's right, sin's the nature of man.

The wise man will too be nearsighted at best,
But the heart is the key to one passing life's test,
Those who justify self just crack liberty's bell,
It is Grace man gives/welcomes that saves him from Hell!

The Piano's Famous 'Lost Chord'

We've heard a rumor there's a chord
Whose notes might bring us some reward!
Boy's fingers ache until I say,
"Forget it! Let's enjoy the day! "

What need for treasure, chords, and such,
When right at hand's a playful touch?
You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours,
Let grownups dream of Magic Tours.

For Mystery comes every day
That sun retires (though children play!)
Restrain your tears, for with the dawn,
We'll have new clouds to "dream upon! "

Life and Death

I still might be here when Boy grows old and dies.
You know Bears too have feelings that span a broad range,
And Love's portrait of beauty is mixed with life's sighs,
It is rare that one suffers for knowing Love's strange.

Day Boy fell from tree I am clear was not joke!
But I laughed at the moment we both missed our doom,
It's so easy to dream we can fix what's not broke,
But please God, bless the lovers who stay in the room.

Domesticated Bear? Hardly!

Sometimes we get cravings, both day and night too,
I was born a free bear, did not live in a zoo!
Might it be just full moon, or that Sandman missed us?
But on days snacks aren't handy, we're likely to fuss.

A proven crowd pleaser if Boy's mom's awake
Is a fresh bowl of popcorn and that's no mistake!
On the sweeter side cinnamon bread calms the child,
In a pinch, a hot muffin with jam tames the wild!

Final Passage?

Some artists paint 'DEATH' as cloaked man with a scythe,
As if death's not a passage, in fact, you're his prey.
Scythe suggests death pursues you, and you aren't just whim,
As he swings his curved weapon, there's end to life's day.
But much worse, this suggests, that life's running from him!
It's like taxman or churchman, your soul's one more tithe.
(Tax now paid and in full, man gets had; we get had!)

For me, scythe is misleading, and life's end's more cat,
You think it's just a stray; but it jumps in your lap.
Then it circles and purrs so, some folks don't take note,
There's a sense you're at home and it's time for a nap,
And for most it is nothing like knife at your throat.
Once cat settles and purrs my friend, 'booboo's' just that,
And the next time you wake, might you meet your soul's DAD?

Redemption Impossible?

Is it true? Too far gone? Do you think?
WOW! You might be a master of jive!
But I'd say your humility shows you have spark.
And this signals your soul's still alive
(Though you wish you had access to tank!)
Yet your modesty recommends home in the ark!

"I am not all that humble, " I hear you object,
But your protests, my friend, are just proving my point,
There is no one redeemed by the works they perform,
Or High Court stacked with friends you can cheat to anoint,
There's no lie you can tell that won't make some suspect,
Or a way you get by on the cheap in a dorm!

Love or Sin! There's no way to choose both!
There's no place you can stand in-between
And though you seem afraid you've just ghost of a chance.
Could it be it's humility making you green!
Would be sad if it's heaven you loath -
For God's purpose is simple, He just wants to dance!

Box Turtle Fun

Though Box Turtles can bite, Boy still thinks that they're fun,
My view, dumber than chicken, but Boy's quite the one!
But their colors are natural, camouflage chic,
Just beware of their mandibles (dinosaur's beak.)

Hibernate in the winter, revive in the spring,
Though this trait may seem Bear-like, it don't mean a thing,
Should not look for a cuddle from creature in shell,
A hard sell from the get-go that can't end that well!

But if you have a dog that's possessive and strong,
Then a turtle's addition cannot go too wrong,
And a sand fort's thick ramparts won't hold them at all,
Seems a turtle's half bulldozer/cannon's iron ball.

The 'Alien' Within

God bless the spirit of my soul,
Its moods that I cannot control!
'Real' strangers that invade my life,
Are mostly peaceful, cause no strife.

This stranger though, that dwells within,
Is well aware of every sin,
Cares not a bit for fault without,
Would only serve what I'm about.

Not sex or race explains our rift,
I'm hoping that you get my drift,
All life's our sibling, part or whole,
God help me to be kind to Soul!

Night and Day, You are the One!

Oh, the way a child grows is God's beauty revealed,
How Boy tempers what's learned is a quite small concern.
For I think, both 'learned skills' and his faith to be sound,
Though he wisely still chooses new flights close to ground,
In the years we are free, those who fly high can learn.
Soon their landings and takeoffs want sizable field.

I have stayed with sick Boy, till, at last, new day's light
Holds the promise that coughing's past; fever recedes;
And Boy offers a smile to his Bear Twin's relief,
(Though our dreams have been stolen, rest too, by a thief!)
Boy recovers his health and with gusto he reads.
Soon health's days in their splendor bloom sunny and bright!

The boy's clock's hands keep spinning and power days by:
Our invisible airplane propellers now taunt
An ill wind in our faces (whose spirit would tame) !
And with knowledge comes options; ideals aren't to blame.
Now the hazards of pear trees from knowledge we flaunt!
And with all this, still Boy bears the moxie to cry!

Home Is -

The friend I tell my dreams;
Where garden waits for touch;
Protection from Life's storms;
Desk, paper, pen and such.

It's Me

Good morning! Would you like to play?
The sun is out; let's join the fray!
Cicadas sing God's praise in elm,
And butterflies are at life's helm!
I've cookies packed; Let's take a hike,
Or if you'd rather, ride a bike!
The day seems game, so let's explore,
Plumb all meanders twice or more!

Bear Deals With Regret

I am sad that my limits taint those I live for,
But bet apples to oranges that God feels the same,
Though His power's unquestioned, Real Love matters more,
And the ultimate gift of His Grace covers blame.

Yes, I know this life's finite, still that is OK,
For I trust that His wisdom will carry me through,
Though I've lots of ideas, they won't save the day,
With His guidance, I'm hoping at least to be True!

Bear Thanks God

Never had mother who stayed by my side,
Or a father communicate pride, (1)
But it's true any day that I find time to play,
This boy's not my decision, but God's sweet provision.

Life seems to mean we all share joy and pain,
Risks we take sometimes challenge day's grain,
But success that I've found seems to be quite profound,
For Boy tugging at heartstrings reveals Love's real bearings.

Bear Johnston's Comments:
(1)It seems miraculous but ‘Teddy Bears' have no father or mother. We just are!

Always At Choice

I'm always at choice though outside there's rain falling,
Real choices exist even when skies are grey,
Some bears live in the weather (though homes are nice also) ,
Depends whether treasure is comfort or play.

How long has it been since you slipped on galoshes
And splashed in mud puddles with childish delight?
This bear has no problem when play's promised action,
Perhaps it's one reason I sleep well at night!

(More for adults?)
If caught in some trap, hope I'll choose to face music,
It's excellent choice to be present in life,
Really can't know the ending, why claim you can do so?
Reflect on God's WORD that the Church is Christ's wife!

Call Me "The Chosen One! "

This wonderful Boy shares so much of his life,
Though some bears seem to sit on the shelf,
But he says I'm his luck, and he likes me along,
Was I charmed by that leprechaun-elf?

The best part of life still is high in our Elm,
Name a bear who can claim such a view?
When we're breathing white clouds and boy gives me a smile,
I can tell that he feels chosen too!

Hang Tough Younger Readers

I know some of my readers are younger than boy was
When I took him under my wing,
If my poems seem hard, promise I won't forget you,
Though messages arc like a swing. (1)

Yes, a book is forever; I'll always be with you,
Though we both get long in the tooth.
So come back to visit, I trust you'll find answers,
And tell me the tales of YOUR youth.

Bear Johnston's Comments:
(1)"Arc like a swing" - Sometimes the meanings of my poems may not be that clear
to you, that is to say, that your ride can go up and down in difficulty like a swing!
Even adults can find them hard at times since not all adults are born with the good
sense that God gives most bears. So please be patient with your parents if they are
slow to catch on! OK?

Youth's Golden Rule

"I would if I could but I can't so I shan't, " (1)
Is the one "Golden Rule" of the young,
And a nap's on the schedule for afternoon's ward,
Ask your mother! It drips off her tongue!

I'd like to stay up late with adults and see,
What it seems they keep trying to hide,
And though I share boy's fate, with me sleep's always great,
For with dawn then we get to decide.

Bear Johnston's Comments:
(1)This "Golden Rule" is a variation of the even more famous, "I would if I could, but
I can't so I won't" I've heard attributed to the Bible, but I can't tell you Chapter and

Bee Talk!

Does a worker bee ever get breaks for some honey?
Snacks scheduled for ten, two, and four? (1)
Or must they take their meals on the fly where they're able
No time for the 'gold' I adore!

It'd be a disaster if bears gathered pollen,
They'd never get back to hive,
For the moment they rounded up food for a picnic,
They'd quit and eat honey till five. (2)

Bear Johnston's Comments:
(1)The original Dr. Pepper Bottle has a white clock on it that suggests that people
should have a Dr. Pepper break at 10 AM,2 PM, and 4 PM.
(2)Many people go to their jobs between 9 AM and 5 PM, but 9 AM to a bear
suggests that it's time for play and 5 PM sounds like a good time for a nap!

Boy Experiences Loss

The boy's sad, first-grade girl he "loved" - now life's fallout (1) !
Her folks suddenly move (precious bird's gone to sea) ,
It's like Venus (2)is gone from night sky; Boy's psyched out!
And yes, she had a name (bird's song too)- "Verda Lee."  

Sometimes friends are like weather; skies change, day turns black,
Doesn't mean that one's loss is not felt or forgot,
For he called her Dale Evens, Roy Rogers'ed him back, (3)
Breeze refreshes faint scent of this lost Camelot. (4)

Yes, adults have more power, but child feels loss too,
(Expectations of children perhaps not as high?)
And new loves color space left by friendships turned blue,
But no parting comes easy, there's no good, "Goodbye! "

Bear Johnston's Comments:
(1)Fallout - When something bad happens adults often call it "fallout" as if someone
should have guessed that the bad thing was going to happen and something could
have been done to stop it from happening?
(2)Venus is often called the "Evening Star" but is instead a planet that revolves
around the sun like earth. It is brighter than almost any other object in the sky
because it is so close to us.
(3)Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans were famous actors in some Cowboy Movies and TV
shows that were popular when Boy was in grade school.
(4)Camelot - Camelot is an imaginary kingdom (in the days of King Arthur and Merlin
the Magician)where people found ways to live together in peace and prosperity.

A Child Is So Fragile

A child is so fragile, but bears are quite tough,
We can fall out of tree, and we're fine,
I would rather I didn't, thanks, stepped on's enough,
'Some abuse' just expected design.

Bears bend, we don't break, any tear moms' repair,
But a cub (1)needs a much softer touch,
For their bodies and souls, children don't have a spare,
This is why angels matter so much.

Bear Johnston's Comments:
(1)"Cub" - Name given to a "baby bear." Though Boy is older than I am, a human
child grows so slowly that I sometimes think of Boy as my child for Teddy Bears are
born fully grown! I mean no offense to any child!

Who's a Poo Poo Brain?

I am saying this slowly; I hope to make plain,
That too frequently grownups are just Poo Poo Brain!
Truly think they have answers, that child is naive,
But few adults have actual Ace up their sleeve.
If a child oversimplifies, sometimes that's gift,
For adult overcomplicates, plans need forklift
To get off of the ground (and they're rarely profound.)
But a child gets to heart of things faster than sound,
And is mostly ingenuous, won't toy with lies,
For if he has no answer, the world hears his sighs.
It seems child senses value of heaven above,
And his trusting in God is beginning of love.

Monday, November 6, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: appreciation,innocence,love,poetry,writing
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