Poet Seer Restless From The Crowd Poem by Emmanuel George Cefai

Poet Seer Restless From The Crowd

The Poet Seer restless from the crowd
Himself detaching
Roamed disconsolate
Searching for the lost verses...

Had he writ them
On slips of paper
He missed them
And restlessness again
Agitated in him.

Sang and rang the crowd
In the square of enjoyment
Wine and song went all
Along; and dancing and
Other joys.

In the dark the Poet Seer
Fetched the missing verses:
Too deep his tears were
Too great his emotions for
Expression stood.

The Poet Seer restless from the crowd
Himself detaching
Roamed disconsolate
Searching for the lost verses...

Saturday, August 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: death,dream,heaven,poet,verse
Daniel Brick 07 August 2016

Your third stanza vividly details the life of ordinary experience which moves between work and duty and leisure and abandon, with the heavy thinking set aside as a spoiling of pure pleasure. Those of us who know your faustian character THE POET SEER realize why he can't spend or rather waste his time for long in such vain pursuits. He is too imbued with a sense of mission to relax for long or often. The lost verses are symbolic of his need to pursue something more worthy than temporary pleasure. He could echo the dying Hamlet: ABSENT THEE FROM FELICITY AWHILE AND DRAW THY BREATH IN PAIN. Whether he chose this hard path in life or it was assigned to him as his personal destiny - well, it's probably a mix of Choice and Fate. The important thing is that he willingly embraces his mission, whatever its origins.

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