Pregnant Woman Poem by O Anna Niemus

Pregnant Woman

The landlord told the family of 2 with another due in a month
that they have 1 month to move out. He is, he said, being
foreclosed upon.

The anxiety the mother is suffering can affect her in utero baby.

The only place she can afford is her aunt's home... and her
aunt wants to bar her husband.

This is one of millions of family busting and child harming tragedies arranged by
the big banks in the US, and their billionaire network around
the world.

God bless all the victims of big banks, insurance, and war profiteer
companies. God melt away the Satanic tentacles of the greedy
and violent.

Tai Chi Italy 07 July 2008

This is exactly why our young people are carrying knives and using them, we have lost our humanity, our compassion. The whole world is suffering the affects of the war profiteering....Good political shot at the men in black, meeting at fookut or something like that, apparently we brits are causing the price hikes on food due to throwing it out! lol As if? ? lol That is the funnies one I have heard this year. All we need to do is calm down, stop the waring, take care of each other and stop being so flocking greedy. How hard is that? lol Great read, I hope this dropp in the value of everything will make life affordable for ordinary folk again and make us all realise what really is of value in our lives....enough preaching! ! lol off to la la land, Tai

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