Real Pain Poem by Kevin East

Real Pain

Rating: 5.0

You are lost- in faded colours of summers smile
- memory
The world we had now locks me out.
I tear and strain in desperate style
You drift away, I scream and shout
My blood dries in the vein
True love just means real pain.

You are lost until moonbeams send you from the skies
To cut my soul with a razor edge
That moment that i close my eyes
I stand upon the lonely ledge
To watch us fading in the rain
My thoughts so beautifully insane
Find true love only to feel real pain.

I find you when our film does run
In dreams we had
Now left with none
Your voice resounds down telephone line
Long gone those chats- just yours and mine.
Our blood the same sweet vintage wine
Fate pours it down the drain
My heart still bears your chain
True love just means real pain.

Silentpoet Grl 24 November 2011

'To cut my soul with a razor edge That moment that i close my eyes I stand upon the lonely ledge To watch us fading in the rain My thoughts so beautifully insane' I truly love those lines - Great work! !

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Kevin East

Kevin East

Amersham bucks
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