Rejoice Within Poem by Bob Gotti

Rejoice Within

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Even in the darkest of days, from our heart, The Lord we can praise,
From the beginning to the very end, we can be truly thankful friend.
Even when all seems to go wrong, Jesus has placed in us His Song,
That from our heart we can raise, joyfully up to The Lord His praise.

As you journey upon this earth, Christ fills you with song and mirth.
And we can praise Him, for who He is, as we ponder Eternal Bliss,
For all this darkness will not last, and soon it will be in eternity past.
And as the darkness is no more, we’ll be eternally praising The Lord.

Christ fills us with a joy and peace, which in our trials will not cease.
Friend, from The Spirit living inside, flows a joy that we can not hide.
This joy inside is not from earth, but from Heaven through New Birth.
It’s a joy that sets Believers apart, putting Eternal Peace in our heart.

Friend, all the praise from within, comes not from us but is from Him,
You too can have this peace within, for Christ also died for your sin.
Yes my friend, Christ died for you, Christ died to give you life anew.
You can have New Life in Christ, as His death for you is Eternal Life.

Together we can give God praise, as we look forward to Eternal Days.
Today if you make that Eternal choice, you will friend, forever rejoice.
Rejoice my friend, in The Lord, and then receive an Eternal Reward.
Today is the day you can begin, to live for Christ and rejoice within.

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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