Remember Poem by Cloe C


Remember the first time he told you he liked you more than he should
He was also saying his dogs were beasts
while he was hiding under a table like prey
But of course, it will still give you butterflies

Remember the day he gave you roses and told you he loved you
Remember the night of fun you just shared, the twinkle of the light shines in your eyes
Remember the way his arms were creeping vines
And you were just the sunshine that awoke the whole town of emotions

My thoughts finally became a melody worth dancing to
And he would then promise to dance with you
Remember the time he relaxed the muscles in his face and smiled at you and then kissed you
The breath of yourself becomes a parade that marches in sink with your pattering heart beat
His breathe waiting to be pressed into a love note

He will remember the time you tell him how much you truly love you
And now he is not hungry, but satisfied
When he tells you he loves you remember that means he is ready to start moving on now

This boy tells you he loves you not long after
talking to his ex about how he still has feelings for her
Patience is something you are working on,
but not for him

when this boy uses you, you will not understand why
you thought you did all the right things, you loved him until your heart burst
and he rolled around in your affection like a pig in mud
he bathed in your affection and adored it

but he never cared about you
he's just trying to fill an empty spot in his bed
remember he's been taught not to knock first
you were just the door he opened, used and walked out of

don't blame this animal for his lack of table manners
he is just hungry animal
this is not to say that all men are hungry
this is not to say that all men are hunting

but haven't so many people been uncomfortable in their own skin because of someone's touch
Why would anyone want to leave their body?
every day I wake up and my skin crawls when I think of his name
that is why I cant explain the tears that lie just below the surface

do not make excuses for his lies and betrayal
it is easy for him to hurt other females because he has been living inside his head swarmed by guilt that came when I left
remember when he forgets the sound of your voice and your name that he never wanted to remember the symphony that you create
you were just the temporary solution
you were the antidote to his high fever
you were his vaccine to control his urges
you will hurt yourself in ways that others will not understand and you will not try to explain why

your tongue no longer can hold say his name
a cat named trauma stole my tongue and will not give it back
trauma hides behind silence for it be it's knight in shining armor
silence is easier to live in then the constant cacophony abyss in my head

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