Requiem Poem by Crimson Love


Rating: 5.0

Thou did'st steal the very rhyme to my hymn,
you lie upon your death,
You sleep forever in this bed of decaying love,
My heart hath filled with the sweet wines of your love,
Overflowing the rim, I do sip at the nectar,
I watch your lifeless body in wonder,
I kiss the brow of my lifeless beauty,
I shall sing this bleeding requiem only for one,
I shall bleed as I sing for only you.

Excrutiating affection Clentches my heart,
Your nails pierce my love,
This masochostic pleasure I enjoy,
as long as my pain is caused by you,
I will always be complete...

I hurt from all this, but your beauty most of all,
My eyes have deemed you to be alive, yet I know you to be dead,
I hold your hand hoping you can feel it,
Naked nerve endings, feel the bare of my skin,
My dearly departed, you hath stolen my Crimson essence,
and only in death shall it be shared with me again.

Harindhar Reddy 02 November 2011

'Naked nerve endings, feel the bare of my skin, My dearly departed, you hath stolen my Crimson essence, and only in death shall it be shared with me again. ' With these lines you certainly in tug of with Emily Dickensen in expressing grief of missing something or somebody. This poem is wholesome much above the level of 16 year old Teenager. Wow! Awesome performance as poet.Best of Luck......10++++++++++++++++++

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Lenore Lee 01 November 2011

I love the depth of the dark pain within this. 'This masochistic pleasure I enjoy, as long as my pain is caused by you, I will always be complete'. Love that line because to me it states that when someone you love dies, you kind of enjoy the pain because it reminds you that they were here; that they truly existed.

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Crimson Love

Crimson Love

Prince Charming
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