Rhyming Poem for The Cozy Autumn Months already In Sight Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Rhyming Poem for The Cozy Autumn Months already In Sight

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Rhyming Poem
For The Cozy Autumn Months
Already In Sight (translated by Sylvia Frances Chan)

Feel the warmth of winter deep in your heart,
Feel the coolness of summer since the hot start,
the pleasant warm summer evenings in autumn,
Don't forget the dewy early mornings in spring of the moment,

and before it dawns on you, realizes and sees
you are well on your way to the Christmas preparations with Peeze

Sinterklaas no longer came by steamboat
So close to home and yet on horseback, what a foolish goat!

Oh, yes, oh, yes, where is Piet?
I don't see him at all yet, our Pete

You're on your way to the Christmas preparations
with Piet to prepare for the coming celebration
Oh, yes, oh, yes, but I can't see him at all yet, sorry my irritation

Then tell him I need him when you see him
Of course, I will, I won't forget that to my brim
If you'll see him, you surely will like him to the brim
Remember, he is Piet (pron. "Pete") , not Klaas or Pim.

Tuesday 10th of the tenth in the year 2023

Rhyming Poem
for The Cozy Autumn Months
already In Sight
Note: Piet is the loyal help of Sinterklaas, every year he comes by steamer from Spain, with lots of toys and sweets and of course with Sinterklaas. That happens on Sint's birthday 5 December. Sinterklaas has constantly his horse with him. This day is especially for the kids, a feast to bring through the severe cold nights during the full moon on 5 December.
Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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