Rudi’s Kiss, Bringing Back Life Poem by Louise Tredoux

Rudi’s Kiss, Bringing Back Life

No news of Rudi’s boat – what do I care,
Rudi will be back, even if he has to cross
the Atlantic, I went down to the shops all
alone, looking at tents, we shall go camping,
Rudi and I, when he’s returned, I tried the
inflatable mattresses they recommend

Too soft, a double sleeping bag on a ground
sheet will do perfectly, I saw the perfect stand
for washing up - fell into a reverie about the
offroad trailer with a rooftop tent, drawers in
the side, visualising Rudi and I, a four-wheel
drive – his old Landrover will do – off

Into the bush, playing house in a tent, camera’s
clicking, enjoying freedom, with all this ahead of
him - alive in my mind - shining in my dreams, Rudi
has to return, he could never withstand the call of
the wild, Born Free his favourite song and movie -
I’m crying, simply because I’m alone

Eating on my own, other people’s presence is too
distracting, when they look at me with pity because
of Rudi lost at sea I’m livid with rage – leave me alone,
go away, I’m thinking him in safety, my ability to hold a
vision will determine how soon he’ll reappear, my path
is clear – trusting in the power of his love for me

To bring him back, make him challenge all dangers, give
him power to overcome the obstacles offered by the sea,
I’m allowed to cry simply to break the tension - the doorbell
rings, refuse to answer - but Rudi has no key, is he back, safe
and free – opening the door – Rudi’s here, bleeding, a gnash
in his leg, but he’s ALIVE!

Werner, Juliette; hospital, I’m no help, crying for joy, crying for
fear; the fear I never expressed and kept at bay by trusting in the
vitality and love in Rudi – but now I’m spent, too glad to realize how
dangerous the sea was; back at the flat, lying down, Rudi beside me,
Juliette preparing a meal, Werner doing the meat on a braai outside,
Rudi laughing, I’m crying in nervous exhaustion, Rudi’s kiss, bringing

Back life, he’s more than okay, the boat is lost, two seamen drowned,
I’m crying still, he’s more precious than ever to me...

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