Sarah Poem by Shade Rodieson


To Care or Not.

Each day is like a snowflake almost the same but not quite.
Same as the days where I attempt to rank first, striving to one day be unsurpassed by me peers. Nevertheless im always outranked or outscored by my so called friend Grace. I find this okay to some point but when she brags continuously I want to duck tape her mouth shut to never again hear her voice. Sometimes I wonder how she remembers everything, she must not have a life but, im really one to talk.
Instead of listening to the dull monotone of my Geometry teacher I put my plan of not caring in action by promptly laying my head on my desk and closing my eyes to feign sleep. Surprisingly I find that I actually want to sleep so I don’t have to pretend. Not being one to sleep in class I somehow go unnoticed. I sleep through 1st period and grad my homework hastily to avoid a confrontation with Mr. Monotone.
Slipping into the bathroom I put pale powder on my already pale cheeks. Staring into the mirror I wonder if ill ever be happy. I smile a grim smile and leave my shadow echoing behind me.
I arrive at second period English just as the bell rings. I walk to the teachers desk slowly. Mrs. Grammar looks at me worried expression on her face. “ Are you sick” she asks, her mouth an upside down crescent moon. I nod without words, and watch as she writes me a note to the nurse. My Golden Ticket.
Instead of going to the nurse I go to the library. I don’t look for teachers because im a good kid no one would ever suspect me Sarah Watson of skipping class. I smile at this and head towards my usual spot. I surf the internet restricted because of the schools security then gracefully walk to our so called “amphitheater”.
I remember how it used to be a magical place. Where Ms. Librarian made the characters of Alice in Wonderland and Mary Poppins come to life, but when a severely misguided 2nd grader fell down the four stairs and hurt himself, by-by story time hello math equations. Now it’s the perfect place to be forgotten.

Disturbed Art Freak.

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