Second Chance: First Planet Found Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Second Chance: First Planet Found

A huge explosion ripped apart the only place we knew as home.
It forced us to leave for years and decades of the unknown.
How could I describe the existance of the here and now, without citing the past.

Second earth is premative, yet construction of advancement is underway. But it is slow because of the elements that existed on our previous planet are few. So we have new sceince that is only relative to this world. And we have old science which has no use here.

Our arrival, our entry of this planets atmosphere didn't go as planned. We crashed with a major loss of life. We lost about half of our colony. And should one be supprised an 80 year old ship couldn't withstand entering an unknown atmosphere. Engulfed in flames upon the crash those who could get out of the ship did. Not all modules suffered the same amount of damage. Think of
these modules as towns. They had a section where food was grown, mainly mosses. Because they required the little amount energy to be grown. We had our sanitation systems where ever last drop of water was extracted and put back into our drinkable water. The spinning ship created its own gravity and weather. This moss also created our oxygen to breath and we created carbondioxide for it to breath. It also created our electricity. Without the moss we would have been good as dead.

The reason we left is a star crash into our planet. We didn't put all our eggs in one basket either. We sent 10 colony ships in total to different life baring planet suspects. The survival of human beings can't be decided by just one group, genetically qualified or not we decided. Plus it made it alot easier to build small ship versus one big ship.

While I can inform you of events leading up to escape, I can't tell you of what happen to the other ships because there hasn't been any contact since we all simtanously left. And of
the events that happen before we left I was a mere child and my recollection is at times is a little fuzzy. I'm 89 years old and finally I no longer have to eat moss and grubs thank god.

I'm sure your wondering how was this possible. How did we get to a planet light years away in the span of only 80? We use a very complex yet simple equation to propel our ship once it was
out of earth atmosphere. I'm not a sceincetist so I can't explain the exact formula. But I can tell you the theory in from which it derived. Small explosion are set off a certain
distance behind the ship in which a wave energy is created that pushes the ship forward. This was then converted formula in nuclear explosions to something called nuclear porpulsion. And understand
in space once you start traveling certain speed in a certain direction you don't slow down unless you run into somekind of gravitational resistance. What we understood as the transferance of energy on the earth is limited by the planet gravity. It is known as gravational resistance. In space it doesn't exist to the same degree. Anyways this allowed us travel faster then the speed of light for great distances. And it required very little fuel to do so.

Introduction: Leaving Earth For Planet Unknown
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