Separate Graves (For You) Poem by r james sterzinger

Separate Graves (For You)

Rating: 5.0

the less I knew of you
the more I could love.
the more I finally found out
the greater the grace between.
and in that greater night
in that dark I found my light
so now I walk away from you
still in love but on a straighter path.

now you are distance,
and I am distant,
no longer mesmerized
by your enchantress web.
what it thought I saw in you
I find I understand no longer
yet, it all has come
to make perfect sense to me.

and now though you are half a world away
today the cold and the snow and the bleakness
of this day joins us
my thoughts have turned toward you
my guess is you will always be in my remembrances.

of deep graves
neither our own
and yet our own, still

someday too, we will be buried
on hill sides,
you in yours, me in mine.
polite, but dead as we were in life
there again we will keep our distance
we will be distant
in separate grave yards, eternal homes
somehow distant, somehow still together
shh, no one must know.

Patti Masterman 07 February 2009

'polite, but dead as we were in life' Great way of putting it. 'shh, no one must know.' Ashamed even in death, that having once took the poison, you suspect you would do it again; were not for that distance lying in between, a safety net. Great love poem about loss and enchantments.

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