Sex Poem by S. Ashok Kumar


Rating: 3.0

An act, wherein people talk less,
and practice bound less.

An act, wherein men don't mind,
women dominating over him.

An act, wherein feminist will not mind,
men taking the position of giver.

An act, wherein one fails to understand,
as to who is giving and who is taking.

An act, wherein we unashamedly,
put the animals to shame.

An act, wherein communication skills,
very much resemble that of animals.

An act, wherein we exhibit our uninhibited,
slaveness to the senses.

An act, wherein we do it in private,
lest animals look at us with affinity.

An act, wherein we reaffirm our love with lust,
sending love to the back seat.

An act, wherein fleshes bounce and pounce,
to have his or her pound of flesh.

An act, wherein two mortal bodies,
strive to find immortal bliss.

An act, wherein no one dares to condemn,
the cause of his own genesis.

An act, wherein there is a strong suspicion,
that there is more to this act than mere physical attraction.

An act, wherein as sage Yagnavalkya said,
to his wife Maitreyi in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad,
'It is not for the sake of the husband that the wife loves the husband, but for the sake of the Âtman that she loves the husband, because she loves the Self. None loves the wife for the sake of the wife; but it is because one loves the Self that one loves the wife. None loves the children for the children; but because one loves the Self, therefore one loves the children. None loves wealth on account of the wealth; but because one loves the Self, therefore one loves wealth. None loves the Brâhmin for the sake of the Brahmin; but because one loves the Self, one loves the Brahmin. So, none loves the Kshatriya for the sake of the Kshatriya, but because one loves the Self. Neither does any one love the world on account of the world, but because one loves the Self. None, similarly, loves the gods on account of the gods, but because one loves the Self. None loves a thing for that thing's sake; but it is for the Self that one loves it. This Self, therefore, is to be heard, reasoned about, and meditated upon. O my Maitreyi, when that Self has been heard, when that Self has been seen, when that Self has been realised, then, all this becomes known.'

Md Zuhair 22 February 2012

good rhythm and thnking

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